Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Fitting Room

The Fitting Room is a great nonfiction read for anyone struggling to discover what it means to put on the character of Christ. Based on Colossians 3:12, that tells us to clothe ourselves in Christian virtues, this nonfiction book by Kelly Minter is warm and humorous and uplifting! I'd also recommend this book for anyone struggling with issues of insecurity and self worth.

This isn't necessarily a book to sit down and read at one time, though, but rather to space out and enjoy over several morning's worth of coffees or between appointments or other free times during your busy day.

About the author:

Kelly Minter is an accomplished author, songwriter and performer. She leads worship across the country, taking part in LifeWay conferences and their annual Women's Forum. Kelly resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

Buy your copy here!

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