Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sixteen Brides gets Sixteen Thumbs Up...

Stephanie Grace Whitson is a talented author who really delivers with SIXTEEN BRIDES. Don't worry, there aren't sixteen main characters, rather five, and while that's often difficult to juggle, Stephanie does so, with, well, a lot of "grace". =)
Here's the back cover:
Sixteen Civil War widows living in St. Louis respond to a series of meetings conducted by a land speculator who lures them west by promising "prime homesteads" in a "booming community." Unbeknownst to them, the speculator's true motive is to find an excuse to bring women to the fledging community of Plum Grove, Nebraska, in hopes they will accept marriage proposals shortly after their arrival! Sparks fly when these unsuspecting widows meet the men who are waiting for them. These women are going to need all the courage and faith they can muster to survive these unwanted circumstances--especially when they begin to discover that none of them is exactly who she appears to be.
Me again - As far as summer reads go, this is a must. Trade the heat in your own backyard for that of Plum Grove, Nebraska - and trust me, situations get heated! ;)
Buy this fun historical HERE!
I was given this book free to review by Bethany House.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Playing hooky
Thanks for the prayers and readership. See you all on Monday. Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One Fine Day

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I'm Dreaming of a White Summer....

Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy Graduation!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Shoe, a heel, a very high heel (to the tune of Sound of Music's "Doe, a deer...")

After Wednesday afternoon, she's my hero.
I don't even have a good story. She's on George Clooney's arm, she probably has a great story! I, on the other hand, was simply walking across my aunt's kitchen at a graduation luncheon for my cousin, and then suddenly, was not. Props to my husband who saw me fall from about two feet away and didn't even laugh! I laughed, until I realized how bad it hurt. I must have looked like quite the sight, walking and then suddenly bowing down into an extreme curtsy on the floor. My 4 inch heels slipped on the tile and down I went! My shoe turned sideways. The height of my shoe didn't make me fall, but it probably did contribute to how badly I wrenched my foot. I landed on my opposite knee which is also bruised, and somehow I have a bruise on my arm, not sure how thats even possible. I even scuffed up the floor pretty bad. Hubby was able to polish it all away with wet paper towels. Thankfully the rest of the party didn't realize what had happened until later. Talk about embarassing.
To sum it all up....OW.
I made it back to work that afternoon, not realizing that it was sprained, and by the end of the day, couldn't put any weight on it at all. That made getting back to my car two blocks away interesting, but I made it home and Hubby made me ice and ace-bandage it for the rest of the night. Pain wise it's okay - until I put weight on it.
After seeing me literally crawl to the bathroom that evening, Hubby called in to work at his part time job and stayed home with me yesterday to help out. He cooked, even vacuumed, changed Little Miss's diapers, etc. She was sooooo sweet - kept trying to unwrap the ace bandage and saying all concerned "Mama, toe!!!" She doesn't understand why Mama can't sit on the floor and roll a ball or play dollhouse. =( Poor baby. But we'll make it!
I hope it heals quickly. In the meantime I'm making great headway on my freelance articles and novel proposal revisions. =)
So, now everyone is telling me to start wearing flats. I just smile and nod while mentally rehearsing the glorious moment when I can wear my heels again. Hey, true shoe lovers don't let little things like sprained feet stand in their way.
Just ask Clooney's date.
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kristen knows how to write heavy suspense and spin unique, complicated plots with a master's ease. Incorporate a bit of romance and you have a winner as usual! She's one of my favs, and I hope she will become one of yours too. =)
Here's a snapshot of Kristen's life...
While home schooling her four kids, Kristen Heitzmann wrote her first novel. It became one of a five book historical series. Since then, she has written three more historical novels and eight contemporary romantic and psychological suspense novels including The Still of Night, nominated for the Colorado Book Award, The Tender Vine, a Christy Award finalist and Christy Award winning Secrets. She lives in Colorado with her husband Jim, sundry family members, and pets.
Want a sneak peek? Click HERE!
Visit Kristen at her website HERE!
And purchase this novel yourself HERE!
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Visit me today at....
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
To Classic or Not to Classic?
The consensus was that classics are fun to read in a certain mood and setting, but when it comes to craft, not the best idea because that's not the style/tone etc. that editors and agents want today. Aspiring authors shouldn't "waste" a lot of time reading something that won't help grow their craft.
Throughout my writing journey, I've always heard to read what you write. If you read a ton of chick lit but are writing a suspense, a mismatching chick lit tone might creep into your more serious suspense project. You don't want to read a lot of historicals if you are writing a contemporary romance because you might be subconsciously tempted to use a more flowery prose, longer setting descriptions or other attributes that makes a historical shine, but would just confuse contemporary romance readers. No corsets in 2010 please! =)
It's the same with the classics. Completely different vocabulary, setting, time period, clothing, word styles, activities, protocol, society, etc. So just be careful, and all things in moderation.
Of course, reading for fun is important and a good escape, so after work on your WIP is done and you have some extended time, grab a Dickens or Austen and have some fun with Charles and Jane (and Mr. Darcy of course!) ;)
What contemporary books of today do you think might have potential of turning into a "classic" in years coming? I bet Nicholas Sparks will have a few!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Nighttime Stories
Do you tend to dream in a plot format? I have been lately. My dreams will be this really complicated plot, usually with a romance involved - and its as if I'm watching or reading the dream even though I am also starring in it. There's a beginning, middle, and end. There's conflict, motivation, and a big Black Moment climax. Sometimes I even find myself "editing" as I "watch".
Please tell me I'm not alone! haha.
Then there are the nights like last week when I read a historical prairie romance before bed, yet somehow dreamed about vampires, futuristic technology and castles!!
Do you incorporate your writing career into your dreams? Do you dream about real life events or a combo of made-up fantasy too? I've always dreamed in color, and always dreamed a LOT of dreams in one night. Maybe like short stories? lol And I'm famous for taking tiny things that don't stand out to me in real life during the day, and incorporating them into my dreams too.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Good news!
Celebrate with me!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Confessions for a Shoe-a-holic
Two days ago, I climbed 7 flights of stairs in 4 inch heels. Yesterday was 8 flights in 3 1/2 inch heels. I'm kinda curious if I wear 3 inch heels today if I can climb 9 flights...
So when I stumbled up on this quiz, I had to take it...yes, that's right. If you hadn't figured this out yet, my name is Betsy St. Amant, and I'm a shoe addict. I LOVE shoes. When we bought our house, the giant walk in closet (and I do mean giant, it's literally big enough to be a bedroom) was a huge selling point...and guess what? The entire floor on my 3/4 of the closet is lined with double rows of shoes. Designer, name brand, clearance, off-brand. $50 shoes, $3 flip flops, $20 Payless sales...and everything in between. Sketchers running shoes, shoes with bows, shoes with stripes, giraffe print ballet flats, coral pumps, silver wedges, black lacy heels...seriously, I love shoes.
And, uh, let's just say I was a little bummed with my results!!!
You Are Loafers
You are confident, powerful, and successful.Hard working and business like, you always dress and act appropriately. You are consistent and a bit conservative. You aren't really susceptible to trends, although you always dress well. While you tend to be formal, you know how to adapt to your surroundings.So are professional at work... but more laid back when your with your friends.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
L is for Links!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The inevitable head bob...
Persecuted is a strong word. I mean, Paul and the apostles were persecuted, not so much myself!! But you know what I mean. I mean the eye-brow lift and simultaneous head tilt that often comes when you say you write romance novels. Then the immediate following head bob when you clarify that you write Christian romance novels. Then there's another eyebrow raise as you explain how that's not an oxymoron and soon you just feel dumb and they just look like a bobble head from all the pacifying nodding.
Any stories of a confession goes bad? Do you find people (in your family, your church, your grocery store, your workplace, etc.) think being an author or avid writer is "cool"? Or a waste of time? Or even a sin? I know for a fact there are Christian fiction authors who struggle with support within their own church because their pastor deems it ungodly for women to have a ministry at all, or for Christians to write fiction because "all fiction is bad", etc.
What have you experienced in this regard? Let's share!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 07, 2010
Time is relative?
Since I missed my workout last night (Hubby was at a Bible study 'til late and I didn't feel comfortable leaving Little Miss to sleep in the house alone while I went out to the barn in the pitch black of night), then I had to work out today. Well, Hubby had plans again to help a friend, so unless I wanted to skip my writing time during Little Miss' afternoon nap and work out then (when its 90 degrees today, no thanks!) then I had to take Little Miss with me earler in the morning. I suited up with my gloves and water and cranked up the music in the barn. Little Miss played in and out of the barn, (mostly in the dirt right outside) while I worked out.
It went surprisingly well. At one point, she gestured at me with a grin and said "Mama pow pow!" haha. I said "yes, Mama goes pow pow". She then cracked up and every time after that when I hit the bag, she'd laugh hysterically.
Makes me a little insecure about my form....
Anyways, what do you do to get creative for time? As busy wives, moms, employees, homemakers, and writers, how do you find time to write or do your hobby of choice? Do you wait until you are alone or find a way to involve your children if needed, like I did today? Which works best for you?
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
The good, the bad and the jiggly...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Speaking Event
I gave my speech by an outline I created: What Do You Read, Why Do You Read, and then ended with Why I Write, and my testimony of how I began writing.
It went really well! Everyone was interested in the process of what it takes to get a book published. A lot of things surprised them (just like they surprised me when I first got into this business!) like how little input authors have with cover art, titles, and even back cover copy. It was fun sharing what I knew to an interested crowd. I also sold a lot of books afterward, which is always so encouraging.
I also got some good feedback from a variety of readers in a variety of ages...
Here's what some of their favorite genres were...
Historical Romance (which makes sense this is in an industry best seller right now!)
Nicholas Sparks (apparently he is his own genre now! ::wink::)
Romance in general
I was a little surprised to hear about the mysteries since so many publishers have recently done away with "cozy mystery" lines, and since romantic suspense is on the decline. (at least for now. Come on, comeback!)
What do ya'll think?
PS - For more industry chatter, visit me today at www.scribblechicks.blogspot.com !
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Couldn't resist....
Your Name is Miss Henrietta Bertram
How quick come the reasons for approving what we like! - Jane Austen
Your Dream Guy is Edward
You are a true romantic, and for you, love is a very emotional and passionate thing. You want to be wooed, charmed, and even seduced. You have old fashioned ideas about romance. You don't mind being with a protective guy like Edward, as long as he has your best interests at heart. You like being taken care of completely, even if things get a little intense at times.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Mother's Day Approaches....