Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Give a shout out...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day Three
I've been doing great, and today is day three. My hardest time of the day to diet is late evening. Its easy to go all day without consuming too much because I'm so busy with Little Miss and writing and cleaning and running errands. But after she goes to sleep at 8, its full-on munchy time, and by then I usually have zero calories left in my day to spare.
Any tricks of the trade out there? What are some of your favorite low calorie snacks that you indulge in at night that won't ruin your whole day? I love cereal, and used to make a small bowl before bed. But after milk (even 1%) and Special K cereal, I'm still looking at 250 calories or more.
Any one else dieting? I figure if I get disciplined now, then I can enjoy myself a little around the holidays coming up and not do too much damage =)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Lessons Learned
This is me and my sis, and no, its not the same dress =)

My sister and the bride!! Britny!
Little Miss in the middle! =)

Lessons learned from the wedding?
1. The "Cupid Shuffle" dance takes on an entirely new aerobic dimension when performed with a 20 lb toddler on one's hip--and in heels! My side is still sore but it was so fun!
2. My 14 month old can be persuaded through teddy grahams and goldfish to stay silent during an entire 30 minute wedding ceremony.
3. A couple really can be married sixty-two years (the DJ found them in the crowd while setting up a dance for married couples only...wow!) The secret to their success? They said Commitment, plain and simple.
4. My husband completely breaks the unofficially known rule "white men can't dance" .
5. Only in Louisiana will a DJ play the Bunny Hop or Brick House immediately followed by a country song.
6. Get-away cars for the bride and groom are still decorated in Saran-Wrap.
7. My parents still love to slow dance together after 30 years of marriage.
8. Little Miss is capable of staying up past her bedtime and getting not just a second wind, but a third and a fourth.
9. Mini oreo cookies heal all wounds.
10. Bridesmaids have no shame =)
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Friday Wake Up Call
Galatians Chapter 1, verses 20-24, emphasis mine.
I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie. Later I went to Syria and Cilicia. I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. They only heard the report: "The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." And they praised God because of me.
Talk about a wake up call.
Evaluate with me for a moment. Paul has what many of us would deem the "ultimate testimony". Formerly Saul, a Jesus and Christian hater, is now Paul, apostle of the year and crusader for Christ. Some of us see that and think our lives could never mean that much, could never have that kind of an impact.
Some of us are wrong.
Every Christian has the chance to make a difference. Not everyone is going to change the world literally. But many can change the world by changing one. What we do in our daily lives has an effect on the people around us. Our grumpiness in Walmart could very likely put someone else in a bad mood. But our smile and genuine attention to the cashier could bless her day in a way like no other - could lead her to praise God for one sweet customer in a line of grumpy-gusses.
We might not be preaching regularly to thousands, like the apostles. We might not be performing tangible miracles and have our names whispered in the streets. But we are just as capable of being used for God in other, just as meaningful ways, if we simple rustle up the desire to be.
"And they praised God because of me".
What a compliment. Could your life ever be used for anything greater???
Ask God to use you today. And live your life in a way that will make others praise Him because of you - your actions, your heart, your motivations. That's what I want for my writing. I want others to praise God from reading my novels. To be led to Him, to be shown the path to eternal life.
I'm not Paul. I'm just Betsy.
But never doubt God's power in our lives.
Praise Him today!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So come on over to SCRIBBLE CHICKS and chime in. =)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Come Visit!
Check out an interview Lisa Jordan did for Vineway Cafe. It's a great website and I was featured earlier in the month.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So, instead, click on these two differents links and it will take you to my facebook album to view there. You don't have to be a facebook member to see them, don't worry. This is just a much faster way for me to share the pictures.
Highlights of the trip:
* Late night talks in the lobby with Susan May Warren
* Hubby being at my side during the huge book signing event
* Feeling so beyond exhausted Sunday morning that one would have thought we were all drunk in the hotel hallway. Lori, Jenness and I couldn't stop laughing.
* The worship times! Amazing as always. The song "Your Name" is so very special.
* Having great feedback and networking opportunities from various editors and houses
* Being dubbed "The Writing Machine" by the a group of new writers! lol Hey guys!
* Stalking and finally finding Julie Lessman, only to have her make ME sit behind HER spot at the booksigning to sign my novel to her. What a sweetheart!
* Making new friends like Andrew, and getting to meet onlinen friends Liz and Katie face to face! And Eileen! And so many others! What a blessing to finally meet =)
* Conquering my fears and flying for the first time in my life at age 25 - now I can say I've consumed a Quarter Pounder at 30,000 feet ;)
* Jenness's special delivery mint in the middle of the night! LOL!
* Girl talk with my roomies
* Posing with the Ladies in Purple with Deb Raney =)
* The amazing workshops, especially Susie and Rachel's. Learned SO much. My brain hurts.
* Getting to meet another editor from my publishing house, Steeple Hill, in person. Hi Tina!
* Finding an amazing little local bakery called Big Fat Cupcake that totally changed my life. lol
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm still not fully recovered yet. Little Miss and I are being lazy today and eating cereal and watching cartoons. =) NEED MORE SLEEP!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Home sweet home!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Almost time!
This is my last post until probably next Monday. I leave early in the morning for Denver! I can't wait. I'm excited AND nervous. Hopefully I'll discover I love to fly! We'll see. Stranger things have happened. =)
Today is packing and laundry and cleaning the house before we go. Chaos as usual!!!
I'm already sad about leaving my Little Miss. But she'll have fun and be safe with my parents. She loves her Nana and Papa! Its just going to be SO HARD. I've never been away that long - even if this is for a good cause. It'll be good for both of us.....I think..... :::sniff::::
Who else is going to conference out there? And if you can't go this year, what are you going to be working on this week?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Manic Monday
MOPS will be different, as Little Miss will be one of about 11 or 12 other one-year-olds, with limited workers. Pray I actually get to attend the adult session! lol I hope it works out, I really am looking forward to it, plus I know Little Miss needs this social time with kids her age. Here's hoping!
After that its off to shoe shop for Little Miss (and okay, maybe me too. hehe) and then lunch and nap. THEN...time to start packing! Denver, here we come!! Only two more days....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Biggest Book Signing Ever...
Below is the list of authors who will participate in the booksigning Saturday afternoon at the 2009 ACFW conference in Denver, Colorado!
If you're in the area, please come to the Denver Marriott Hotel and check us out!!! We'll have a ton of fiction novels for sale including books on the craft of writing. It'll be a blast! (and I bet you'd be able to find some free chocolate on the author tables, too wink wink)
Carolyne Aarsen
Diane Ashley
Ruth Axtell Morren
Rick Barry
Christina Berry
Lauralee Bliss
Diana Brandmeyer
Sandra Bricker
Margaret Brownley
Candace Calvert
Robin Caroll
Jeanie Smith Cash
Colleen Coble
Brandilyn Collins
Mary Connealy
Shirley Connolly
Margaret Daley
Susan Page Davis
Mary Davis
Janet Dean
Megan DiMaria
Lena Nelson Dooley
Wanda Dyson
Leanna Ellis
Pamela Ewen
Miralee Ferrell
Linda Ford
Tina Ann Forkner
Judy Gann
Jeff Gerke
Rhonda Gibson
Debby Giusti
Sandra Glahn
Elizabeth Goddard
Winnie Griggs
Cathy Marie Hake
Lisa Harris Mary Hawkins
Roxanne Henke
Cynthia Hickey
Patti Hill
Denise Hunter
Annette Irby
Myra Johnson
Liz Johnson
Jenny Jones
Eileen Key
Laurie Kingery
Kathleen Kovach
Harry Kraus
Jeanne Marie Leach
Tosca Lee
Julie Lessman
Loree Lough
Elizabeth Ludwig
Richard Mabry
Debbie Macomber
Joyce Magnin
Gail Gaymer Martin
Judy/Jude Martin-Urban/Urbanski
Debby Mayne
Aaron McCarver
Vickie McDonough
Dana Mentink
Robin Miller writing as Robin Caroll
DiAnn Mills
Stephanie Morrill
Janelle Mowery
Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Kevin Parsons
Golden Keyes Parsons
Donita K. Paul
Tracie Peterson
Allie Pleiter
Cara Putman
Tara Randel
Deborah Raney
Sandra Robbins
Kim Sawyer
Marc Schooley
Michael Sheehan
Shelley Shepard Gray
Ann Shorey
Beth Shriver
Sandra Lee Smith
Virginia Smith
Betsy St. Amant <----- its me!!! =)
Therese Stenzel
Stuart Stockton
Alison Strobel
Michelle Sutton
Camy Tang
Donn Taylor
Janice (Hanna) Thompson
Missy Tippens
Pamela Tracy
Carrie Turansky
Deborah Vogts
Jenness Walker
Dan Walsh
Susan May Warren
Michael Webb
Kit Wilkinson
Lisa Wingate
Beth Wiseman
Kimberley Woodhouse
Lenora Worth
Cheryl Wyatt
Kathleen Y'Barbo
What a line up! Hope to see you there!! =)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Conference Draweth Nigh...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tears & Tantrums - For Two

Last night was one of the worst evenings EVER in my 14 months of being a Mommy. I can now say that I have sobbed hysterically in a Chick Fila parking lot. Not the best claim to fame!! lol
It's a little funny now, but I'm still exhausted. Will probably be funnier in about a year. Or thirty.
Little Miss has been sick. Last Thursday (a week ago!) she started getting congested, so the doctor called her in a prescription for her cough and runny nose. No big deal, Little Miss wasn't all that bothered by any of it. Monday, however, after her nap, she woke up with a 103+ fever! Scary moments. I did a cool bath, called the on call doc (of COURSE the one time in her life she's run fever and its on a holiday!!) and they said to alternate motrin and tylenol and call them in the morning to bring her in if she hadn't stopped running it by then. Well the fever immediately came down to 101 and stayed in that ballpark and lower back and forth with the medicine over the night. We took her in Tuesday and it turns out she had a double ear infection. Poor Miss! No wonder she'd been so upset. We got an antibiotic, and praise God, she has been taking her medicines easily.
So, stressed from all that, I was super relieved to see how better she felt Tuesday. Wednesday morning we had a great time doing housework and playing. Since she was feeling better, my mom kept her for a few hours so I could have a "writing day" - my last one befor conference next week. I picked her up, we all went to do some errands and go to Chick Fila. During the errands, Little Miss started getting grumpy. She was tired, needed another nap, and you could tell she was feeling bad again. She also had barely eaten in two days because of her congestion and medicines, she's had very little appetite and its been all we could do to get liquids in her and a few goldfish crackers here and there. So I know she had to be hungry, but still didn't want to eat.
She cried CONSISTENTLY in Chick Fila. Non stop. Pointed to things, we'd give them to her, she'd shove them away. Wanted something then nothing. Wanted everything than nothing. NOTHING could satisfy her. She wasn't screaming-crying, but it was loud, and it was nonstop. My stress level built until I snapped emotionally. Teary myself, I scooped her out of the high chair, told my parents whom I was with "this is embarassing" and ran out into the parking lot with Little Miss. At first I just walked, trying to calm her down but she cried on until I finally just joined her. We leaned against my parent's car (I had ridden with my mom and couldn't leave!) and both of us just cried. I felt like a mothering failure! My dad came out to help, but nothing worked. Finally we just loaded up our leftover food I hadn't gotten to eat and drove to their house to get my car. My mom tried to assure me that Little Miss just didn't feel good, that these things happened to all moms at some point, that it wasn't my fault, etc. That she'd been there before too. We all thought since Little Miss had a good day she was feeling 100% again, and that obviously was just not true. We also all knew she's cutting two more teeth which is enough to make anyone miserable alone, even without being sick and having earaches too.
Little Miss immediately fell asleep in the car and slept about 10 minutes and that seemed to do the trick. She was fine after that, tired still but pretty happy. I took her straight home, at the end of my rope emotionally and fighting a cold myself. The whole way home I was thinking crazy thoughts like "what if she isn't feeling poorly and we're just making excuses? What if her teeth and ears aren't bothering her after all and she's just going to be a "bad" kid and this is what will happen every time we're in the public for the next 12 years?" I knew the thoughts were ridiculous but they were there, haunting me.
We got home, and I hadn't stopped crying myself since leaving chick fila. My eyes were red and puffy and sore. I took us inside, put our leftover food which neither of had touched on the floor on napkins, turned on Gilmore Girls, and we had a picnic. Little Miss immediately picked up her entire chicken strip (remember, she hadn't eaten in two days basically!) and part of my sandwich bread in the other hand, and tottered around the living room, talking, eating, and watching Gilmore Girls. She'd stop for juice, on her own (after two days of us having to force her to drink!) and took long sips, then would smile at me, say "ma ma" all sweet several times, and keep playing and eating. She put away the entire chicken and bread and nearly her whole cup of juice.
I was confused, but not about to ask questions!!! So I ate too, we enjoyed our show (Little Miss loves Lorelei and Rory! lol) and then I did her bath, meds and bed. She slept great and is in a wonderful mood today so far. Still coughing and a little snuffly, no fever though for 3 days. Whew.
Still not sure what all went on last night. I do know I over reacted myself (wonder where Little Miss gets THAT from! ha!) with my crazy thoughts of her being chronically "bad" for the rest of her life. She's a GOOD girl and I tell her that all the time. She is SO sweet. Which I think is why when she does have her rare moments, its such a shock that I panic and think our life as we know it is over.
Veteran mommies, any advice? Any encouragement? AM I crazy??? lol Please tell me you've thought that too!!!!!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Just Between You And Me
Thomas Nelson (September 1, 2009)
Jenny B. Jones

I write Christian fiction with a few giggles, quite a bit of sass, and lots of crazy. My novels include the Katie Parker Production series and So Not Happening. I would also like to take credit for Twilight , but somewhere I think I read you’re not supposed to lie. When I’m not typing my heart out (or checking email), I teach at a super-sized high school in Arkansas.My students are constantly telling me how my teaching changes their lives and turned them away from drugs, gangs, and C-SPAN. Okay, that’s not exactly true. Since my current job leaves me with very little free time, I believe in spending my spare hours in meaningful, intellectual pursuits such as:-watching E! - updating my status on Facebook -catching Will Ferrell on YouTube and - writing my name in the dust on my furniture. I’d love to hear about you, so drop me a note. Or check me out on Facebook.
Side note from Betsy -
Jenny is one of my fav authors. She's so fun and funny, yet inspiring. If my daughter was a teenager - thankfully, I have about 12 years before then!! lol - I would give her Jenny's books in a heartbook. She's an author that can write for teens but make adult women want to read the same story. That's a gift! So definitely check out her websites and her novels. You won't be sorry!! =) (and I might stick some back for 12 years too!)

The only thing scarier than living on the edge is stepping off it.Maggie Montgomery lives a life of adventure. Her job as a cinematographer takes her from one exotic locale to the next. When Maggie's not working, she loves to rappel off cliffs or go skydiving. Nothing frightens her.Nothing, that is, except Ivy, Texas, where a family emergency pulls her back home to a town full of bad memories, painful secrets, and people Maggie left far behind . . . for a reason.Forced to stay longer than she intended, Maggie finds her family a complete mess, including the niece her sister has abandoned. Ten-year-old Riley is struggling in school and out of control at home. The only person who can really handle the pint-sized troublemaker is Conner, the local vet and Ivy's most eligible bachelor. But Conner and Maggie keep butting heads--he's suspicious of her and, well, she doesn't rely on anyone but herself.As Maggie humorously fumbles her way from one mishap to another, she realizes she's going to need to ask for help from the one person who scares her the most. To save one little girl--and herself--can Maggie let go of her fears and just trust God?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Just Between You And Me, go HERE
To buy this great read yourself, click HERE!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Check it out!
(as you can tell, not all of the below titles are inspirational. LOL)
Top 10 Lessons in Love
1. The Boss's Forbidden Secretary by Lee Wilkinson
2. Ripped! by Jennifer LaBrecque
3. Rags-to-Riches Bride by Mary Nichols
4. Teach Me Tonight by Jacquelin Thomas
5. Magnate's Make-Believe Mistress by Bronwyn Jameson
6. No Ordinary Cowboy by Mary Sullivan
7. Medusa's Master by Cindy Dees
8. Return to Love by Betsy St. Amant
9. Lord of Sin by Susan Krinard
10. Propositioned Into a Foreign Affair by Catherine Mann
Monday, September 07, 2009
Fight Night

Lining up, firemen in red!

Action shots!!!

In between rounds, getting coached.

Working the crowd!! haha

And the winner is.... (he'll get it next year!!)

Friday, September 04, 2009
Controlled Chaos
Busy morning. I could already use a nap! But I'm working now while she's napping on getting more ACFW conference stuff together. My time is so limited and tonight is the big fight, as in my previous post. I'll try to post this weekend or Monday on how it all went! Stay tuned =)
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Fighting for a Cause...
Well, tomorrow night, my husband is fighting for a cause...literally. That's right, tomorrow night is the annual Battle of the Badges, where cops and fireman square off in a ring and box. The money raised from ticket sells will go to fallen and wounded soldiers, as well as police officers and firefighters who need assistance because of illness or injury.

Hubby is all about helping people. He's also all about "hitting a cop and not going to jail for it." With his bad luck of getting pulled over, I can see that. haha. At least he's honest. =)
All in all, its a fun event, a fundraiser, and for a good cause. That's why I can't argue.
I can only sit in the stands and chew my fingernails off while watching the match between my fingers. (still not sure how I'm going to manage to chew AND watch between my fingers but I'll figure it out.)
So pray for Hubby tomorrow night, that the event is a success and he doesn't get hurt too bad. Actually, no one needs to get hurt. Kinda defeats the purpose of the charity event, if you ask me - money going to injured fireman??? lol
Hubby has always been big into MMA and fighting and all that, and has been training more or less these last few months. I know he'll be fine.
Chew, chew, chew....
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Visit me today! =)
Visit me today at two places! SCRIBBLE CHICKS and CRAFTIE LADIES OF ROMANCE. I'd love to get your reader comments on both posts.
Thanks! =)
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
A pretty cool opportunity...

Tell two friends, and they’ll tell two friends, and so on and so on … and help thousands of eager adults learn to read this sentence. Be part of the solution!
Here’s a link to an interview Melanie did with Jake Chism of fictionaddict.com. Most of the interview is about her writing and about books, but the end is about literacy and the campaign.