Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Happy June!

It's June!

A new month, a new start. Summer is officially beginning - sunshine, popsicles, grass stains, swimsuits, lemonade, warm breezes, and tank tops. Let the fun begin!

What is your favorite part of the summer? What changes for your family?

For us, nothing much will change other than it'll be 101 outside instead of 81. lol Otherwise, work and play will continue as usual. Obviously there is no school in the mix yet, but in a few more years....agh!

But there is a lot of fun stuff to look forward to this summer!!

My first novel with Steeple Hill releases July 1st. Then there's the 4th of July celebration we always play up with fireworks. I'm hoping the potential book signing in New Orleans will work for July or August. (waiting to hear back from then now)

Then let's see, my husband's birthday and good friend Katie's birthday is in early July (and her husband too! big party!)

Then of course, it will be Little Miss' first birthday!! Talking about doing it up big! I'm already planning...heh heh heh. It will have a secret theme you'll find out later =)

What about you guys?


Erica Vetsch said...

Ah, summer! Yay!

Homeschool goes on hiatus, daytrips to local historical sites ramp up, and everything turns GREEN!

Having leaves on the trees and lawns in fine form is so refreshing to my winter-weary eyes.

My baby girl turns 17 this month. So hard to believe!

Eileen Astels Watson said...

Sounds like a fun summer ahead for you, Betsy!

This is the first summer that my oldest daughter will be away for almost half of it as a councilor at a horse camp. That's going to take some getting used to.

Georgiana Daniels said...

Man, we're boring. Not a whole lot changes, LOL!!! Yay for you having fun!!

Mandy said...

I saw your dad today and asked him if you were planning the big party yet, and he said of course!! i knew it! =]