Monday, March 12, 2012

Truth or Dare Contest

So I think it's totally time for a new contest and ADDISON BLAKELY GIVEAWAY! :)

The last contest was so much fun - the picture contest, where readers sent me a photo of them holding up their copy of ADDISON, and were entered to win a fun prize. (congrats again Tonya! Hope those Hello Kitty boots are treating ya well!!! hehe)

Let's mix it up this time. Since I'm giving away a copy of ADDISON, I can't very well tell everyone to send me a pic with their copy already. ;) So....

Let's play truth or dare.

I'll admit it - I HATED playing this game at slumber parties. I always had to tell a truth about the boy I currently liked, because no way was I freezing my bra or streaking the backyard or toilet papering the neighbor's trees. ::shudder::

But this is my blog, so I don't have to play ;) YOU DO! So, in the comment box, either leave a confession of sorts (has to be true!) or leave me a description of a dare you once performed (either during via playing this Truth or Dare game over the years, or by losing a bet, or just in general) Doesn't have to be shocking or impressive, just true. Keep it honest! And remember this IS a public post. LOL.

At the end of the week (Friday) I'll do a drawing and the winner will receive an autographed copy of Ms. Addison in the mail. Sound like fun?

Truth.....or dare? ;)



Talia said...

Ok heres a truth...
I sleep with stuffed animals, a teddy bear and pascal the chameleon from tangled (i know youre jealous). Haha!

Amy Leigh Simpson said...

Here is my shameful truth...

I am a closet writer. No one besides my ACFW friends, my immediate family and my best friend know what I do aside from raising two rowdy little baby boys. Whew! Glad to tell somebody. Now, for everyone else...

Judy said...

Here's a truth:

I won't allow myself to eat breakfast until my cleaning and or laundry is done for the day!


Susie said...

Truth --- I have intentionally eaten food that other people chewed up and spit out! Gross, I know! :) Gives me the willies to think about the experience.

Stacey Crawford said...

Ok truth... I am deathly afraid of mosquito hawks.. Aka .. Flying spiders. I will break your neck over a junebug. And finally... I will never have a foot /arm out of the covers when I sleep... Something might get me!