Extra, extra! Read all about it!!

Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
In fact, that's still me, because I'm at my mom's house writing this blog - still no internet at home. My dad has been a computer tech for 20+ years, so I know the usual tricks. Restart. Reboot. Reconnect. Try again. What lights are blinking? Ethernet or USB connection? Is the green light on the modem blinking or solid? What, its not on at all? Yep, you're screwed.
Well that's how it felt anyway. lol I spent a good part of today on the phone with the tech support people of my internet company, who basically asked me the same questions and made me retry all the steps I already knew and had already tried twice each, in various forms.
They finally boiled it down to I need a new cable, which might or might not be true, but I finally stopped trying to convince them otherwise and took their word for it in order to keep my sanity. So my dad has an extra cable, and we'll see if it works tonight at home. Sigh.
If not, I might not get to blog tomorrow. So if I'm MIA, then, well, just re-read this post and it will be like a brand new day, because nothing will have really changed. =)
She loved her first big girl chair! Her name is monogrammed on it, behind her. =) She also loved the charm bracelet Hubby got her - her first piece of real jewelry!!! Pics to come on that, we need to get it sized.
What loot!
More pics on my Facebook page, for any Facebook fans.
And PS - visit Trish Perry's site HERE to read an interview with me featuring RETURN TO LOVE and enter to win a free copy of the book!!!!
Here's me at my table before we got started.
Here's Audrey in her "little black dress" for Mama's big event!
A few crowd shots
My grandparents (minus my other grandfather who didn't make it in the pic)
Vince and Becky Yauger, a dear friend and fellow writer, drove in from near Dallas for the event! I felt so special! Becky is my girl with the golden ticket. She knows what that means!!! =) Let's just say she can be credited with some of my first industry experiences because of her generousity!
Here is my mom with Audrey - Audrey got in on the celebration with a cookie of her own! Apparently at some point during the event, she traded cookies with my grandmother - because hers was bigger. HAHA!
My Little Miss! Supportive already =) Who knows, maybe she'll do her own signing one day!!
Here's a pic of the drawing for the giveaway basket you see on my table. Audrey did the honors....
And the winner is ASHLEY ST. VINCENT! Congrats!!
There is a blog tour going on this entire month, so be sure to note the schedule posted below and participate during July! Check back to my blog too for giveaways. And for my local friends, I'd love to see you at my booksigning at Barnes & Noble this Friday the 3rd, at 6:30!
July 1 Georgiana - http://www.georgianad.blogspot.com
July 3 Erica - http://www.onthewritepath.blogspot.com
July 4 Laura Hilton - http://www.lighthouse-academy.blogspot.com/
July 6 Liz Johnson - http://www.lizjohnsonbooks.com/
July 8 Valerie Comer - http://www.valeriecomer.com/
July 9 Erynn Mangum - http://www.erynnm.blogspot.com/
July 10 Sarah Varland http://www.lambswell.com/
July 13 Allison Pittman - http://www.allisonpittman.com/
July 14 Martha Rogers - http://www.marthasbooks.blogspot.com/
July 15 Debra Ullrick - http://www.christianromancewriter.blogspot.com/
Lisa Jordan - http://www.lisajordan.blogspot.com/
July 20 Roseanna White - http://www.christianreviewofbooks.com/
July 24 Angela Rogers - http://www.pantylesspreacherswife.wordpress.com/
Camy Tang - http://www.camys-loft.blogspot.com/
July 29 Erica Harper - readinandreviewin.blogspot.com
July 31 Eileen Watson - http://www.eileenastels.blogspot.com/