Monday, November 05, 2012

A few links to share :)

A few links to share this week:

First of all, I hope you'll visit me WEDNESDAY at Scribble Chicks.

Also, my monthly column for Nicole O'Dell's Choose Now ministry is live NOW. View it here:  (The Pressure's Off) I hope this topic is timely not just for teen girls for women everywhere (even men for that matter)

Also, I'll be posting again at GIRLS, GOD AND THE GOOD LIFE on the 10th of November :)

Don't forget my new blog, where my heart's content is going right now, is now launched, alive and well at   :)

I know this is a lot of content and a lot of links, guys, but hopefully you'll take the time to glimpse the content before dismissing it. In today's busy time and culture, we simply can't read everything that crosses our path. I understand that and have to pick and choose myself. But keep an open mind and heart so that you will view the items God DOES have for you - whether that's mine or someone else's sites.

Blessings on your Monday!

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