I'm an aunt!
My sister had her first baby around 7:00 p.m. yesterday evening. Fallyn Macie arrived 4 weeks early but a healthy, solid 7.5 lbs and 19 1/2 inches. Mama and baby are doing great despite a complicated last couple of weeks. (Fallyn was determined to come early and my sister was in the hospital for a solid week because they had to try to stop contractions.)
It's all over now and all worth it! I'll be sure to get pics up next week but things are a little hectic right now as you can imagine.
Congrats to Jenny, Fallyn, and Daddy-Adam, who is currently deployed in the Army. I know he'll be ready to meet his baby girl soon.
Prayers appreciated for the new family! Have a great weekend to all.
Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Heroine Interview
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Your work environment...
As writers (or employees of any kind, truly) I think our work space says a lot about us. But especially as writers, because most of us work/write from home and have free rein as to how our space looks and functions.
Here's a picture of my desk at my home office. I recently finished the wall art above the computer, broadcasting my writing achievements. A newspaper article write-up, my first book cover Midnight Angel framed, and my three Love Inspired novels on a shelf.
A long time goal/dream in the making!! I was happy with how it turned out. (thanks to Hubby for pounding the nails and leveling the shelf!)

What does your office look like?
Here's a quick fun quiz on the topic...
My results:
Your Workspace Says You Work Best Alone
You are an organized and detail oriented person. You have your life in order. You tend to work at your own pace. You sometimes feel like you neglect your family and friends when you're working. You may work a bit too much. You don't switch careers often, and you intend to stay at your current job for a long time. At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.
You are an organized and detail oriented person. You have your life in order. You tend to work at your own pace. You sometimes feel like you neglect your family and friends when you're working. You may work a bit too much. You don't switch careers often, and you intend to stay at your current job for a long time. At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space.
Haha! How true is that for writers??? =)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
As promised...
Here are the pics from last week's Evergreen 2010 Celebrity Waiter Dinner.
It was such a fun event and so much money was raised for their deserving clients. I'm so honored to have been a part of it.
Hubby and I all dressed up!
Our table with the Forum, the newspaper where I freelance. So nice!

Group shot - two of our celebrity waiters, a local Elvis impersonator and a Paula Deen impersonator. Paual was our waiter, she kept asking us if we needed more butter! hahahaha.

Me with my super awesome editor April!

Me & "Paula"

Monday, April 26, 2010
Lessons from a chicken casserole
We often hear the word imitation and cringe. It sor of leaves a bad taste, a lingering sensation of "not good enough".
"Close, but not quite."
"Second best."
That's pretty much what happened when I attempted to make my friend's famous mexican chicken casserole last night. Cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, a can of rotel, velveeta cheese, spices, and Doritos. Simple recipe, but of course, it just didn't turn out the same. Partly because I forgot to crumble the chips before baking it, so the edges of the top layer of chips burned. It tasted fine, it was a good dinner - but not as good as when Steph makes it! Mine was an imitation that fell short.
The Bible instructs us to imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11) At first glance, this is sort of depressing. How can we imitate Christ? How can we attempt perfection? If my chicken casserole can't even make the mark then how can I, in all my sinful filth? And that's on a good day!
The good news is we can't.
Then why did God ask us to? Because it's supposed to be our goal. It's supposed to be what we strive toward. We won't reach that goal on earth, but we will one day in Heaven when our race has been run and we stand at that glorious finish line.
In the meantime, the LEAST we can do for our Lord, who willingly died for us, is to live for Him - and that simply means doing our best, which is still failure, and relying on the Lord to grow us in His image every day.
So mexican casseroles of the world, relax. Imitating Christ is a pretty cool assignment. =)
"Close, but not quite."
"Second best."
That's pretty much what happened when I attempted to make my friend's famous mexican chicken casserole last night. Cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, a can of rotel, velveeta cheese, spices, and Doritos. Simple recipe, but of course, it just didn't turn out the same. Partly because I forgot to crumble the chips before baking it, so the edges of the top layer of chips burned. It tasted fine, it was a good dinner - but not as good as when Steph makes it! Mine was an imitation that fell short.
The Bible instructs us to imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11) At first glance, this is sort of depressing. How can we imitate Christ? How can we attempt perfection? If my chicken casserole can't even make the mark then how can I, in all my sinful filth? And that's on a good day!
The good news is we can't.
Then why did God ask us to? Because it's supposed to be our goal. It's supposed to be what we strive toward. We won't reach that goal on earth, but we will one day in Heaven when our race has been run and we stand at that glorious finish line.
In the meantime, the LEAST we can do for our Lord, who willingly died for us, is to live for Him - and that simply means doing our best, which is still failure, and relying on the Lord to grow us in His image every day.
So mexican casseroles of the world, relax. Imitating Christ is a pretty cool assignment. =)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Reviews & Such
What a nice surprise! Friend and author Julie Lessman gave RETURN TO LOVE a 5 star review on Amazon and CBD today!
Here it is:
A GREAT “RETURN” ON YOUR INVESTMENT! In the market for a feel-good romance brimming with plenty of hope and heart? Look no further than Betsy St. Amant’s charming debut novel, “Return to Love,” a sweet contemporary tale that ensures readers will “return” to purchase every and anything that Ms. St. Amant’s writes. Gracie Broussard invested years in a friendship with Carter Alexander that yielded nothing more than a broken heart and a healthy distrust of rock stars who return to hometown roots after a seven-year absence. Carter soon discovers he has a lot to prove—to both Gracie and himself—if he ever hopes to return to a friendship that once held the promise of true love. With fluid and easy prose, engaging characters who feel like family, and a heartwarming plot, Ms. St. Amant has penned a delightful romance that not only flutters the pulse, but inspires with a spiritual message one can return to long after the last page. Bravo, Ms. St. Amant, on a wonderful and warm debut!
Also, be sure to check out Erica's FRIDAY FIVE today at On The Write Path and see more about RODEO SWEETHEART. I guest blogged there on 5 ways my ideas of love have changed since becoming a mama. =)
Happy Friday to all!
Here it is:
A GREAT “RETURN” ON YOUR INVESTMENT! In the market for a feel-good romance brimming with plenty of hope and heart? Look no further than Betsy St. Amant’s charming debut novel, “Return to Love,” a sweet contemporary tale that ensures readers will “return” to purchase every and anything that Ms. St. Amant’s writes. Gracie Broussard invested years in a friendship with Carter Alexander that yielded nothing more than a broken heart and a healthy distrust of rock stars who return to hometown roots after a seven-year absence. Carter soon discovers he has a lot to prove—to both Gracie and himself—if he ever hopes to return to a friendship that once held the promise of true love. With fluid and easy prose, engaging characters who feel like family, and a heartwarming plot, Ms. St. Amant has penned a delightful romance that not only flutters the pulse, but inspires with a spiritual message one can return to long after the last page. Bravo, Ms. St. Amant, on a wonderful and warm debut!
Also, be sure to check out Erica's FRIDAY FIVE today at On The Write Path and see more about RODEO SWEETHEART. I guest blogged there on 5 ways my ideas of love have changed since becoming a mama. =)
Happy Friday to all!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I usually post this on Wednesdays, but please visit me and the other girls on Scribblechicks today.
Monday and Wednesday's posts were about genres and why we write/read what we do. I'd love for you to chime in! =)
Monday and Wednesday's posts were about genres and why we write/read what we do. I'd love for you to chime in! =)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ink blot test
Take this Ink Blot test here!!
You Are Driven and Focused
You view people with optimism. You have many meaningful relationships in your life. You had more conflict with your father than your mother. Your relationship with him was healthy but challenging. You don't deal with stress well. Even moderately stressful events tend to send you in a tailspin. You are the type of person who knows how to get a lot done. However, sometimes you can't help but get overwhelmed by life.
Here's my results:
You Are Driven and Focused
You view people with optimism. You have many meaningful relationships in your life. You had more conflict with your father than your mother. Your relationship with him was healthy but challenging. You don't deal with stress well. Even moderately stressful events tend to send you in a tailspin. You are the type of person who knows how to get a lot done. However, sometimes you can't help but get overwhelmed by life.
The above is pretty accurate, except for the dad part. My dad and I get along super great, always have. =)
I do get stressed easily but thankfully I think - hope? - I am learning to take that stress to Jesus instead of getting buried by it!! Had lots of practice lately. ha! And I have definitely mastered the art of multi tasking and discipline when it comes to getting things done. Whew.
What are your results?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Celebrity Waiter Dinner
So tonight I'm off to a really fun event - the 2010 Evergreen Celebrity Waiter Dinner. I freelance for a local newspaper, The Forum, and was assigned to write an article on this event a month ago. The super sweet and friendly coordinator offered me free tickets to the event, so Hubby and I are getting all dolled up and heading out! I can't wait! A fancy cocktail dinner, with celebrities as the waiters? How fun! I will post pics later this week!
The even better part is that this is a fundraiser for Evergreen. Visit their website at 'http://www.epmi.org and read about their worthy cause - helping to rehabilitate the disabled. With my mother-in-law's situation, this is great timing for us and I hope my husband can make some contacts tonight that might give him better insight into her situation - not to mention allowing us a fun night out that we desperately need. =)
It's really neat when God orchestrates all this kind of stuff, isn't it? Definitely not a coincidence! We'll see what He has in store. In the meantime, continue to pray for my MIL and for this worthy event, that funds will be raised for their ministry. Thanks!
The even better part is that this is a fundraiser for Evergreen. Visit their website at 'http://www.epmi.org and read about their worthy cause - helping to rehabilitate the disabled. With my mother-in-law's situation, this is great timing for us and I hope my husband can make some contacts tonight that might give him better insight into her situation - not to mention allowing us a fun night out that we desperately need. =)
It's really neat when God orchestrates all this kind of stuff, isn't it? Definitely not a coincidence! We'll see what He has in store. In the meantime, continue to pray for my MIL and for this worthy event, that funds will be raised for their ministry. Thanks!
Monday, April 19, 2010
So today is a little bit of a serious post. Our Sunday School lessons at church lately have been on ministry and witnessing. And while my novels are definitely a ministry and a witness, am I doing enough to share Christ?
Heavy question! And for most of us the answer is probably "no". Is it ever enough? Can we ever tell "enough" people The Good News?
I got a very random and sweet text message the other day from a dear friend I grew up with, literally since kindergarten. While we don't keep in touch as much as I'd like to anymore, she will always be a special friend! And the text message said she wanted to thank me for approximately twenty years ago showing her how to be saved. I remember us playing in my room as young kids and talking about a Bible story, and that conversation led to a discussion on salvation. My mom stepped in later, and together we led her to the Lord. Such amazing memories! And for her to be grateful for that moment to me so many years later - just teared me up!
That's what its all about, dear readers. That's what our daily goals should be. Yes, family is important, and yes work and fitness and hobbies all have a place in our lives - but they shouldn't be #1. Because when this world is over - and I wouldn't be surprised if the rapture occurred in my lifetime, based on signs of the end times - that's all that's left. Salvation. Jesus. What you did for the Lord.
We are to strive to raise our families in the Lord, and leave behind a strong Christian heritage - but we're also responsible for our neighbors. Is someone on your street lost? At your workplace? The waitress at the restaurant you visit after church? Opportunities are everywhere to spread the gospel, and it seems like we're all too busy and consumed with things that ultimately don't matter, that we miss them. (myself included!)
What consumes your thoughts the most these days? A new diet? Money? Job situations? Getting a book deal? These things take up a lot of my thoughts, and while there isn't anything wrong with that by itself, it shouldn't take up more of my time and energy and effort than witnessing.
It's easy to make excuses. "I'm too shy" or "that's not my calling" or "I don't know what to say."
Here's a secret - everyone is too shy. I know very few people who are 100% comfortable verbally sharing the gospel with strangers. Its hard! Its awkward! But consider the stakes - a person's soul. Not so awkward anymore, is it? And yes, as a Christian, it IS your calling. Jesus commanded all of us to go and share His Word. And God will give you the words you need as you need them. Just trust and pray for open doors - and take the doors when they open. Remember, we aren't responsible for the results - God is. We are just responsible for spreading the message.
Truly, we have it pretty easy. At this point in time, us telling someone about Christ isn't all that risky. What do we have to fear? Being called weird, being teased, being thought crazy, being brushed off or losing an acquaintance? What is that compared to the disciples and apostles who were stoned, imprisoned, flogged, murdered, etc.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to get to Heaven one day and become aware of all the opportunities I missed, and see or hear about all the people I could have led to Christ that I didn't. I can't imagine anything more awful than that!!
If this rings true for you today, then join me in committing to being a stronger witness this year. Its never too late to start a "new years resolution" of sorts, so let's start one right now in mid-April!
Who's with me? =)
And if you're curious what I'm talking about, and aren't sure if you are saved, then please email me at betsystamant@yahoo.com and let's get that figured out! You'll never make a more important decision in your life.
Have a happy Monday! Go forth and be disciples!! =)
Heavy question! And for most of us the answer is probably "no". Is it ever enough? Can we ever tell "enough" people The Good News?
I got a very random and sweet text message the other day from a dear friend I grew up with, literally since kindergarten. While we don't keep in touch as much as I'd like to anymore, she will always be a special friend! And the text message said she wanted to thank me for approximately twenty years ago showing her how to be saved. I remember us playing in my room as young kids and talking about a Bible story, and that conversation led to a discussion on salvation. My mom stepped in later, and together we led her to the Lord. Such amazing memories! And for her to be grateful for that moment to me so many years later - just teared me up!
That's what its all about, dear readers. That's what our daily goals should be. Yes, family is important, and yes work and fitness and hobbies all have a place in our lives - but they shouldn't be #1. Because when this world is over - and I wouldn't be surprised if the rapture occurred in my lifetime, based on signs of the end times - that's all that's left. Salvation. Jesus. What you did for the Lord.
We are to strive to raise our families in the Lord, and leave behind a strong Christian heritage - but we're also responsible for our neighbors. Is someone on your street lost? At your workplace? The waitress at the restaurant you visit after church? Opportunities are everywhere to spread the gospel, and it seems like we're all too busy and consumed with things that ultimately don't matter, that we miss them. (myself included!)
What consumes your thoughts the most these days? A new diet? Money? Job situations? Getting a book deal? These things take up a lot of my thoughts, and while there isn't anything wrong with that by itself, it shouldn't take up more of my time and energy and effort than witnessing.
It's easy to make excuses. "I'm too shy" or "that's not my calling" or "I don't know what to say."
Here's a secret - everyone is too shy. I know very few people who are 100% comfortable verbally sharing the gospel with strangers. Its hard! Its awkward! But consider the stakes - a person's soul. Not so awkward anymore, is it? And yes, as a Christian, it IS your calling. Jesus commanded all of us to go and share His Word. And God will give you the words you need as you need them. Just trust and pray for open doors - and take the doors when they open. Remember, we aren't responsible for the results - God is. We are just responsible for spreading the message.
Truly, we have it pretty easy. At this point in time, us telling someone about Christ isn't all that risky. What do we have to fear? Being called weird, being teased, being thought crazy, being brushed off or losing an acquaintance? What is that compared to the disciples and apostles who were stoned, imprisoned, flogged, murdered, etc.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to get to Heaven one day and become aware of all the opportunities I missed, and see or hear about all the people I could have led to Christ that I didn't. I can't imagine anything more awful than that!!
If this rings true for you today, then join me in committing to being a stronger witness this year. Its never too late to start a "new years resolution" of sorts, so let's start one right now in mid-April!
Who's with me? =)
And if you're curious what I'm talking about, and aren't sure if you are saved, then please email me at betsystamant@yahoo.com and let's get that figured out! You'll never make a more important decision in your life.
Have a happy Monday! Go forth and be disciples!! =)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Check out this rave review of Rodeo Sweetheart! I'm so flattered. And don't forget to sign up on her blog to win a free copy!
Also check out this interview with me at http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com/ (scroll down to April 13th) and earn another chance for a free book. Can't beat freebies ;)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Five Fun Facts
Let's get to know each other a little better today.
Anyone want to play a game? It's called Five Fun Facts. List five things that I probably don't know about you, and I will do the same. It all has to be true!
1. My favorite indulgent snack is Ruffles chips with Alberts hot sauce
2. I get claustrophobic driving a car in the rain
3. If I really like a novel, I'll read, re-read and continue to re-read it a dozen times over the next few years.
4. There are 3 things (and three things only) that I refuse to buy store/value-brand: baggies, cereal bars, and dryer sheets.
5. My Southern accent greatly increases when I'm in my most polite, professional mode. I sense it, and hear it, but can't control it.
Your turn! Spill it!! =)
Anyone want to play a game? It's called Five Fun Facts. List five things that I probably don't know about you, and I will do the same. It all has to be true!
1. My favorite indulgent snack is Ruffles chips with Alberts hot sauce
2. I get claustrophobic driving a car in the rain
3. If I really like a novel, I'll read, re-read and continue to re-read it a dozen times over the next few years.
4. There are 3 things (and three things only) that I refuse to buy store/value-brand: baggies, cereal bars, and dryer sheets.
5. My Southern accent greatly increases when I'm in my most polite, professional mode. I sense it, and hear it, but can't control it.
Your turn! Spill it!! =)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Busy bee
Come visit me today not only at SCRIBBLE CHICKS but also a CRAFTIE LADIES OF ROMANCE.
Hope to see you there!!!
Hope to see you there!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
More RODEO SWEETHEART sightings!

Rodeo Sweetheart was sighted HERE at Word Vessel...
Was given a 4 star review by ROMANTIC TIMES...
Was spotted here at my good friend Liz Johnson's BLOG...
And HERE at Deb Ullrick's Christian Romance blog and review site.
Keep an eye out for more sightings! Or buy your copy of RODEO SWEETHEART here...
* * * * * *
Here are some other new releases this month in Christian Fiction!!
1. A Promise Forged, Heartsong Presents Historical Ohio Series by Cara C. Putman An historical from Heartsong Presents. A player in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League finds challenges and love as she travels with her team.
2. Abbie Ann, Daughters of Jacob Kane Book 3 by Sharlene MacLaren An historical romance from Whitaker House. Abbie Ann, president of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in 1907, butts heads with a handsome divorcee, blindsided when she realizes her utter attraction to him.
3. Blood Ransom Mission Hope Series Book 1 by Lisa Harris A suspense/mystery/thriller from from Zondervan. A thriller about the modern-day slave trade and those who dare to challenge it.
4. Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson A suspense/mystery/thriller from Steeple Hill.
When a teacher finds on the playground a backpack belonging to her long-ago abducted sister, she turns to the principal, an ex-private detective, to stop a child-killer from targeting her daughter.
5. Chesapeake Weddings by Cecelia Dowdy A romance from Barbour. Life sends three African American women into a tailspin. Can these women let God rebuild their tattered hopes when new romances unexpectedly enter their lives?
6. Code Blue by Richard L. Mabry M.D. A suspense/mystery/thriller from Abingdon. A doctor finds that returning to her home town has put her in the midst of conflict and possibly marked her for death
7. Crossroads Bay by Kathleen Kovach A romance from Heartsong Presents. A beautiful charter boat captain searches for lost treasure while her real prize is the caterer trying to keep up with her.
8. Damages by Deborah Kinnard A romance from Desert Breeze. A story of second chances, found in an unexpected place.
9. In Plain Sight by Michelle Sutton A suspense/mystery/thriller from Desert Breeze. Abused by her gypsy ex-boyfriend and left for dead, Jovana moves to America seeking a new life; two handsome men desire her heart, but she must choose the right one or end up in a situation much worse than before.
10. Lorenzo and the Pirate by Rick and Lila Guzman An historical from Blooming Tree Press. Will Lorenzo Bannister, marooned on a deserted island with two pirates, ever get home to New Orleans?
11. Love Lessons by Margaret Daley A romance from Steeple Hill Love Inspired. Alexa Michaels brings a breath of fresh air into Ian Ferguson’s and his daughter’s life, but is it enough to make Ian trust in love again?
12. Lucky Baby by Meredith Efken Women’s fiction from Howard Books/Simon & Schuster. Will adopting an orphan from China bring Meg and Lewis the happiness they long for?
13. Mountain Peril by Sandra Robbins A suspense/mystery/thriller from Steeple Hill, Love Inspired Suspense. A woman discovers violence has once again entered her life when a grisly website sets the stage for murder and terror on a peaceful college campus.
14. Queen of Hearts by K. Dawn Byrd A suspense/mystery/thriller from Desert Breeze. Daphne Dean never knew that serving her country as a spy during WWII would send her into hiding in an abandoned mental institution with secrets of its own.
15. Refuge on Crescent Hill by Melanie Dobson A suspense/mystery/thriller from Kregel. As Camden Bristow works to uncover the past and present mysteries harbored on Crescent Hill, she discovers a deep family secret hidden within the mansion’s walls that could change her life˜and the entire town˜forever.
16. Rodeo Sweetheart by Betsy St.Amant A romance from Steeple Hill Love Inspired. She grew up with a cowboy hat and a pony; he grew up with designer duds and a silver spoon. Will this mismatched couple ever be able to lasso their differences?
17. Rooms by Jim Rubart A suspense/mystery/thriller from B&H Fiction. A young Seattle software tycoon inherits a home on the Oregon coast that turns out to be a physical manifestation of his soul.
18. Scenarios for Girls Book 3 by Nicole O’Dell Interactive books from Barbour. Molly Jacobs must decide between stealing to please her new-found friends and doing what she knows is right.
19. Scenarios for Girls Book 4 by Nicole O’Dell Interactive books from Barbour. Will Kate Walker succumb to pressure from swim teammates to take an illegal substance to succeed or give up her dream of being best?
20. Seasons in the Mist Seasons of Destiny Book 1 by Deborah Kinnard A romance from Sheaf House. An eager historian, a time portal, and intrigue in King Edward III’s court.
21. She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell An historical from Bethany House. As Clara Carter makes her debut, she realizes it’s not just her heart at stake–the future of her family depends on how she plays the game.
22. Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Whitson An historical from Bethany House. Sixteen Civil War widows join the Ladies Emigration Society and head west to claim homesteads, only to find their organization has other plans. . . involving the word “brides.
23. Sworn to Protect by Diann Mills A suspense/mystery/thriller from Tyndale. Border Patrol Agent Danika Morales is caught up in a conspiracy and her life is at stake.
24. The Anonymous Bride by Vickie McDonough A romance from Barbour. Three mail-order brides and a contest to discover which bride would make the best wife turns into mayhem when there is a fourth anonymous entry.
25. The Cowboy’s Baby by Linda Ford A romance from Love Inspired Historical. The prodigal returns but is he too late for a second chance?
26. The Word Unleashed, Face in the Deep Book 2 by Steve Rzasa A sci-fi/fantasy/futuristic from Marcher Lord Press. Baden Haczyk’s adventure continues as he tries to keep the last Bible safe from the religious secret police.
27. Too Close to Home, Women of Justice Series Book 1 by Lynette Eason A suspense/mystery/thriller from Revell. An FBI agent and a detective must track down a killer of teenage girls before his next victim hits Too Close to Home.
28. Wildflower Hearts, Book 1 in Series Set in North Dakota by Vickie McDonough A romance from Barbour. Three siblings who live on a ranch face problems and romance in the North Dakota Badlands
29. Wildflowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer An historical from Abingdon Press. In Denmark’s darkest days, is it duty, faith…or love?
Monday, April 12, 2010
An Evening with Karen Kingsbury
Last Thursday night, I had the honor of going to an event called "An Evening with Karen Kingsbury" at a local civic center. It was hosted by Journey of Sisters, a new ministry to my area that seems to really be taking off.
Karen Kingsbury, multi-pubbed and award-winning author, was the guest speaker and all I can say is wow. I've always loved Karen's books, and hearing her speak was like reading one of her novels - we laughed, we cried, we smiled, we sniffed, we wrung out our tear-soaked shirts... not really exaggerating. I actually did have tears soaking my necklace (leather cord) and dripping down my arms. It wasn't depressing though, it was inspiring, and encouraging, and relatable. I wish I could quote for you her entire speech but instead, here's a truth that has stayed with me.
"God is still God. He is the Hero of our story--even if this chapter isn't looking good."
In my life right now, I am SO there. With my mother in law's situation not changing, and my husband still not having a full time job or benefits/insurance for our family, with me not entirely sure how our bills will be paid next month, etc. - this chapter isn't looking good. But God is STILL God. He is still my hero and I will NOT believe otherwise.
Here are some pics from the event...Karen's family came with her, and her son, who recently decided he felt led to music ministry, sang for us. So talented!

Here's a fun surprise - after the event, Karen stood in the corner to say hi and sign books. The line was SO long, I mean....LONG. I figured it'd be an hour at least, and I really wanted to meet her but me and my mom debated...finally, we agreed to give it a try and ended up waiting over an hour, but guess what? An old friend of my mom's came over to visit for a minute, and mentioned my books while standing there. She left and a few minutes later, the young couple in line behind us said "Are you Betsy St. Amant?" She had just been given a copy of RETURN TO LOVE for Christmas by her husband, who, small world, works with one of my friends from church and heard about my books, and bought it for her. They were so fun to talk to! They asked all kinds of questions about books and writing and we had a great discussion. Yay for new friends, and how humbling and amazing it was to find fans of my own in line to meet such a literary hero! God is so cool ;)
So finally I got to meet Karen, and she autographed a children's book that my mom bought for my Little Miss. (who won't get to read it for another year at least so she doesn't mess it up! lol) and got to visit for a minute.

THEN...my mom, as Karen autographed another children's book for my sister, mentioned my sister was in the hospital for early contractions (she's okay and home now on bedrest) and Karen just looked at us and said "Let's just pray for her. Right now. Is that okay?" She took our hands and prayed for my sister and her baby right then and there, even with several people in line behind us. So powerful! Such a moving moment.
THEN, another awe-moment...I had my newest release, RODEO SWEETHEART, in my purse. Still not sure why I stuck it in there, but I did. And while we were waiting in line, I felt impressed to autograph it to Karen, thanking her for being an inspiration to me in my writing career. I hesitated, because I didn't want it to come off as prideful or self-promoting or anything ugly. After she prayed, though, I knew I had to do it. I said "I know this is really unconventional, but I write for Steeple Hill, and felt led to give this to you." I handed it to her, and her face lights up and I said "I signed it thanking you for being an inspiration to me in my writing journey. I grew up reading your books and Robin Jones Gunn and that's what helped encourage me to start writing one day." Karen was about to tear up and her daughter, who came to help sell books and was standing back taking photos for Karen's website, said "OH WOW" and Karen just gave me this huge hug. It was such a special moment! She then told me she'd treasure it forever. I'm tearing up just remembering =) What a God-thing! I'm so glad I listened and obeyed that little voice!

Friday, April 09, 2010
Fun Friday Quiz
For your Friday, let's take a fun quiz. There's a lot of movies out right now I want to see, including The Last Song, based on Nicholas Spark's novel and starring Miley Cyrus.
What about you? See any movies lately? When a movie is based off a book, do you read the book first or see the movie first so you can picture the characters more vividly as you read? I tend to read the book first, but not always....and partly only because my movie theater days are limited as a young Mommy. =P
Take the quiz HERE!
Here's my score!

You Are Imaginative and Idealistic
You are popular and well liked. You know how to please a crowd and work a room. You tend to go to your friends for advice and opinions. You value what your friends have to say. You have an optimistic take on life. Things are always a lot better than they seem at first. Spending time alone makes you a little nostalgic. You tend to think about the past a lot when you're alone.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
What are you reading?
So I'm just curious today. What are you reading? Let's list some titles in the comments today and see who is reading what. After you post the title, tell me if its the genre you typically read it, or outside the box, and also tell me if its by a fav author of yours, or an author whose work you are trying for the first time. Inquiring minds want to know!

As for me, I'm currently taking a very rare step away from Christian fiction and reading Nicholas Spark's "The Last Song". So far, so good. Nicholas remains one of my favorite authors, even though craft wise I cringe over all the "telling". He doesn't get into tight POV (point of view) like I prefer in the novels I generally read, but his actual art of story telling is just masterful. I heard an interview with him on my local Christian radio station, KLOVE, the other day, and Nicholas seems, from all accounts, to have a deep personal faith himself. Very inspiring.
So....what are you reading already?!? =)
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Secret Editing Tips...
Visit me at SCRIBBLE CHICKS today and learn my three secret tips regarding edits/revisions!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
What readers are saying...

By Tonya Lacourse:
Samantha Jenson is determined. She’s determined to keep her family’s dude ranch and determined to keep her father’s legacy alive. As far as Sam is concerned the ranch is the most important thing in her life. Sam puts her personal life aside but still wonders what would happen if she didn’t. Regardless, Sam will go to whatever lengths necessary for the ranch, even if it means putting herself in danger.Ethan Ames grew up in the family business. Ethan is use to making as much money as possible and doing whatever is necessary to close a lucrative deal. His working vacation on a dude ranch in Texas along with a pretty cowgirl turns his thoughts upside down, leaving him to wonder - is money and being successful in the family business really the most important thing?
The book alternates between the lives of Sam and Ethan as each of them ponder what their lives would’ve been like if they had taken different paths. Betsy St. Amant does a good job of capturing their angst and questioning of their lives through their actions and thought process. Her descriptions of the ranch are strong enough to make you feel you are in the middle of the ranch too.
I like this book as it’s contemporary when most westerns are historical. As I read the book I could picture it as a Hallmark or Lifetime move, with good actors, of course!
Favorite Line: “Some things just weren’t meant to be - even if under the glow of the stars is seemed, as if, fora moment, they could.”
Rating: 5 carets
* * * * * *
By Georgiana Daniels:
Congratulations to my friend, Betsy! She's done it again, and you are sure to enjoy Rodeo Sweetheart, a story about a woman trying to save her ranch, and the city-slickin' family with a secret that could destroy everything she's working for!
The thing that still puzzles me--no matter how many times she has explained it--is how on earth our polka-dot shoe loving Betsy can possibly know so much about horses and ranches. LOL! Totally authentic details that will bring you down home to Appleback, Texas. A perfect read, even for a greenhorn like me :D
* * * * * *
You can buy your copy of my novel HERE!
Monday, April 05, 2010
Easter recovery
So there's a lot of candy in the house, and a chocolate bunny (headless, now) in the cabinet, but I'm still determined to start a diet today! Who else is with me? =)

Here are some highlights from our Easter Sunday...Praise the Lord, He is risen!!!

Little Miss has a blast, as you can see, hunting eggs and finding the candy inside. We had a great day of church, family, and fun, despite the pollen threatening to devour our shoes like yellow acid. =P My Pappaw had a broom and was sweeping everyone's feet off before we came back in the house. haha.
How was your holiday?
In other news....here are some pics from my booksigning this past Friday night! Also a hit. Thanks to all who came and supported me!

Friday, April 02, 2010
Good Friday

On this somber Good Friday, let us remember that while the skies may be dark today, the cross didn't stay occupied. Sunday is coming - HALLEJUAH!
Don't forget to take the time away from your baking, Easter-dress ironing, egg dying, and candy buying to have a moment of silence, and remember the cost of the cross. Dwell on the sacrifice, and prepare your heart for a gloriously empty tomb this Sunday.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
A new release, and that ain't a joke ;)
It's April Fool's Day, but I'm totally not kidding when I say that RODEO SWEETHEART, my third novel with Steeple Hill Love Inspires, releases today!
Don't you love the cover? ;)

To save her family ranch—and her father's legacy—Samantha Jenson reluctantly runs a dude ranch on the financially strapped property. Among the greenhorn tourists in stiff jeans and shiny cowboy boots: handsome businessman Ethan Ames. Ethan makes Sam remember her own dreams—of love and marriage. But surely he'll ride out of her life—in his fancy car—when his vacation is over. Until she learns that Ethan isn't on vacation at all. He has a very big secret. One that just might destroy her dreams of being his rodeo sweetheart…forever.
This novel is available in Wal-mart, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers near you! Or you can order it HERE from CBD.
And to my local friends, I'll be doing a booksigning at the B&N on Youree Drive at 6:00 Friday the 2nd!! =)
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