Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
Friday, November 28, 2008
And the winner is....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Day In the Life of Audrey...
Mom doesn't know I'm writing this. She blogs allllllll the time, so I thought I'd take a shot at it and tell you what my life is REALLY like!
First of all, I get woken up from a sound sleep most mornings around 6:30. Why don't they just let me sleep??? Mom then coos and grins and makes really weird faces at me over the edge of my crib. I usually smile back just so she'll stop. Then I get my diaper changed - FINALLY, by now its like ten lbs - and my nightgown comes off. Sometimes I get stuck. That's kinda scary.

Its really cold being nakey, but my crib blankie is soft so that's good. I get wrestled into my clothes for the day, and then WHOOOOSH I'm suddenly in the air and in her arms and we're heading down the hallway to eat breakfast. She always calls breakfast "waffles" or "pancakes" or "bacon" but I know its just formula. Silly Mama.
Some days Daddy feeds me in the morning, then I'm usually forced into such shenanigans as pictured below. Oh, the embarassment.

After breakfast I have to sit in my bouncer chair and watch cartoons while Mom bustles around doing different things in the kitchen and in her room. I don't know why she puts the tube on Blues Clues or Max & Ruby when I really want to watch CNN. I need to be briefed, you know? I need to know what's going on in that big world out there. But nooooo, Mama insists on the cartoons. I want to make her happy though, so I kick and play with my stuffed horse, Moo, and watch the TV for her sake.

Then it's off we go again. I get stuck in my carseat and ushered into the car, and zzooooom down the bumpy gravel driveway toward Nana's house. Over the river and through the woods, indeed. Some mornings when its cold Mom makes me wear a beanie and a coat. I like my LSU hat though. Its pretty trendy.

I spent the day at Nana's sometimes while Mama goes somewhere called Work. She always tells me she'd rather be with me, which is nice. Other days Daddy is home and we hang out at the house until Mama gets back. Then its playtime!!

One night we all three played Snoopy Monopoly. Dad showed me his money. It doesn't look like real money. Bottom line, Dad, can I buy shoes with that or not???

That's it! That's my life in a nutshell. Food, sleep, food, burps, food, more sleep, food, playtime. It's a good life! I liked being cozy in Mama's womb but being out here is pretty cool. I like Mama and Daddy's hugs and snuggles and kisses a LOT.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?

Monday, November 24, 2008
It's almost Thanksgiving!!

Wow, being a Mom is hard work. =)
Friday, November 21, 2008
To see or not to see...
As a lot of people know, the long awaited tween/teen movie Twilight is released today in theater, based off the ever-growing famous novel series by Stephanie Meyer. These books are geared toward YA and are, of course, labeled secular, but I've heard great things about them from fellow ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) members who read them to study craft. Apparently the tension between the main characters is worth studying, and because of the circumstances between the characters (i.e. one is a vampire, one is not) the issue of physical intimacy IS an issue. The vampire loves her and doesn't want to get carried away and hurt her, therefore, no touchy.
Which is actually a refreshing twist from the sexual romps that sadly fill the pages of most YA books today.
And you know what? Twilight, by Stephanei Meyer, is the number 4 ranked best selling book on Amazon's charts today, and I know it was selling even better than not too long ago!

I'm going to read at least the first book before I see the movie. To be honest, it looks like a pretty good story and as an author, I like to read the books that are somewhat controversial and are best-sellers.
Which brings me to the debate - as Christian authors, should we put ourselves in the position of reading these books/watching these movies?
I'm strict with myself and my family concerning movies. If there is graphic sex or over-the-top language or extremely violent scenes that I know I won't like watching, I won't see it, even if its supposed to be a best seller. There is a website I go to before seeing any movie in the theater that screens them. http://www.kidsinmind.com/ If anything is over the top, it will tell you! (there, now you have no excuse either to watch smut) =) They have archives of old movies, too, if you are curious about renting one from the store.
Same with books. If one is known for being disgustingly violent and putting bad pictures in my head, I'll steer clear. Those don't appeal to me. If its laden with sex, same thing. Though that is easier to skim past the 2-3 pages to get to the point afterward. Like with THE NOTEBOOK- one of my favorite books/movies ever, and there is a pretty big scene in it. But its also a love story that will easily become a classic for tomorrow. Therefore, I skip those pages and hit fast forward on the DVD player.
I digress. Back to my point...
I'll admit it - I read THE DA VINCI CODE. And I saw the movie! And you know what - I thought it was pretty good. Craft-wise, the book needed some help. Oy. But tell that to Dan Brown who can probably live quite comfortably off the interest of the royalties he made, and be set for life.

Same with TWILIGHT. Several of the reviews on Amazon from readers say they were disappointed because of typos, weak writing, bad pacing, etc. Yet...still a best seller. Story beats craft, unfortunately or fortunately, you decide. Its just true. And in the world of media, there really is no such thing as BAD publicity. Christians as a whole went nuts fighting the movie release of THE DAVINCI CODE and you know what? I feel that really just made it even more of a hit. People got curious and so sales went up. Kinda like rubber necking at a wreck. Its human nature.
I keep chasing rabbits!! Okay, my point is as a Christian, I don't want to support "bad" books and "bad" movies. But as an author, I want to understand and study the concepts behind best sellers. What makes them best sellers? What makes characters so beloved? What is going to make Stephanie Meyer an extremely wealthy, famous woman? She came out of nowhere, sort of like J.K. Rowling, and while she probably won't ever reach Rowling's unbelievable level of fame and fortune, she's going to be pretty darn close.
Where is that line between studying and endorsing? Researching and supporting?
My question for you today, Christian authors and Christian readers, what do you think? What are you convicted about regarding books and movies? What is your view on this debate?
Tell me!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You know you're tired when....

You know you're tired when....
10. Your eyes burn when you stare at your computer screen.
9. You don't have the energy to pop the top of your Diet Coke.
8. You consider a coffee IV.
7. You squint against the sun and almost fall asleep in your car.
6. You realize you're so far past tired that tired would actually feel fabulous.
5. You talk with a hoarse voice and don't even care how stupid you sound.
4. You look as if you're wearing red eye liner.
3. You don't even check to see if your shoes match your outfit before stumbilng out the house.
2. People look at you as if you might be on some kind of illegal drug.
And the number one sign you KNOW you're tired is....
1. You're waiting for your elevator in the lobby of a crowded, public bank building and you have no problem closing your eyes, leaning against the wall, and nearly falling asleep.
FYI - the above 10 things have ALL happened to me this morning so far.
Caffeine, anyone?
My daughter has slept through the night - soundly - since she was about 8 weeks old. She's 4 months now but for some reason the past week she's been restless at night. We think its because she's pre-teething and is getting uncomfy. Usually we (usually ME) can go in her room and roll her over on her side (her preferred sleep position) or give her her pacifier, etc. and she'll be fine. She wakes up crying but never actually WAKES up. Just fusses enough to need some kind of help or adjustment. She'll go right back to sleep after just a second of "fixing" but then will do the exact same thing 20-45 minutes later. Its like this all night long after about midnight.
I'm praying its just a stage. We got spoiled sleeping all night for so long that now its even harder to get up then it was when she was a newborn. Plus, we both work, and I get up most mornings at 5:15 anyways to get me and Audrey dressed and ready to take her to Nana's house for the day.
Anyone else been through this? Any advice? The doctor gave us permission to start Audrey on rice cereal tonight so maybe that will help her sleep more soundly. I'm praying so!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Super Hero Alert!

And most importantly, only a Super hero Mom could:
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Purse Predictor...

Friday, November 14, 2008
7 Little Things...
Here are the rules:
Put a link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 random facts about yourself on your blog.
Then tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their name as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I've been to Mexico. (laying on the beaches there make you feel like you should be in a Kenny Chesney video or something! BEAUTIFUL ocean and sand!!!)
2. I'm claustrophobic. (even driving my car in heavy rain or a thick fog makes me that way! weird!)
3. I'm coulrophobic (super afraid of clowns!)
4. If it were up to me, I'd take an hour nap or longer every SINGLE day. Sleep is the best!
5. I have two books coming out with Steeple Hill Love Inspired in 2009!
6. I'm a hockey fan. (Go Mudbugs!)
7. I have two vices in life - Diet Coke, and tanning beds. =)
Now for the tagging of 7 lucky others...hehehe
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The things we'll never know...
Some appear with the faintest rustle of wings...the barest fluttering of wind as an invisible motion teases tendrils of your hair, the smallest beacon shining between tree branches in the twilight while golden shadows dance past the moon.
Others appear in the shrieking of metal as celestial arms of steel haul back on your car bumper.
The things we'll never know...
This morning it was raining - steadily, since before I woke up. I was already dreading the drama of getting me and Audrey and all our stuff in my car to take her to my mom's house for the day. It's hard enough juggling my purse, my lunch box, my jacket, her diaper bag, and her in her carseat without the hassle of rain - and no porch roof or quick way of walking to the carport since our muddy yard seeps over the concrete stepping stones if the skies even CONSIDER raining.
But, I'm a Mom, a.k.a. Superhero, so we'd figure it out, right? =) Thankfully Super Dad brought my umbrella in from the car earlier so we'd at least have a shot at staying dry.
Against all odds, I somehow got me, Audrey and all Our Stuff loaded in the car on time as usual and only slightly damp. We hit the road, windshield wipers on full speed, and crunched down the gravel road. Turned onto our fun windy, twisty, wet country highway, and made our way toward town. An 18 wheeler was coming toward me in the opposite lane, so I scooted over a tad to give the monster some room. They never slow down on these country roads, even in the rain! Hooligans.
The 18 wheeler passes and from out of NOWHERE, a burgundy Buick pulls out of a driveway in front of me. It was like I was simply invisible, or maybe they never thought to check both ways after the 18 wheeler monster passed. Regardless, I'm going 45-50 mph. as is the speed limit, and she is suddenly in front of me. The old woman doesn't even pull out in front of me and lay on the gas pedal, nooooo - she pulls out in front of me and just sort of hovers. Like a bad perfume.
I SLAMMED on the brakes. A no-no in wet weather, I know - but seriously, what else could I do? I've been in a 3-car, double rear-ending accident several years ago and had no desire to be an accordian ever again. I sucked in my breath and debated whether it'd be better to hit the Buick or go off into the ditch on the side of the road, all while fishtailing across my lane. Not good options but in that literal split second of decision time, I opted against the ditch. Too steep and muddy, we'd never get my car out, plus the impact might be worse at such an angle.
I wanted to close my eyes, but didn't. I knew we wouldn't stop in time, the Buick was barely moving and I'd had zero time to react anyway. We were going to nail her.
But we didn't.
There was no hard jerking motion of being pulled away, no sudden stop, no pressure or impact or anything to indicate someone or Something tugging us back from danger. But I know it happened. There is simply no reasonable, logical, earthly explanation for why we didn't slam into that Buick.
But I happen to believe in things that aren't always reasonable, logical or earthly. =)
Grandma in the Buick (seriously, she must have been 100 years old and DEFINITELY should not be allowed to drive) puttered on down the road after that at 29 miles per hour (15 under the speed limit) oblivious to what almost happened and somehow oblivious to me laying on the horn for the next quarter mile as I struggled to stop shaking and breathe again.
No angel wings in the dust on my bumper. No celestial fingerprints.
"...faith is being...certain of what we do not see." Hebrew 11:1
Monday, November 10, 2008
Another fantastic novel by Lynn Austin!

Friday, November 07, 2008
Kickboxing shenanigans...

I did it! I went to my kickboxing class last night, and survived. I'm even typing, so I'm not as beat up as I thought I'd be. =)
It was fun. This new class is different from the one I attended a year ago, but I think I might like it better. Where the old class was very similiar week after week, so anyone new could just jump right in, this class is being taught more like a series. Each week will be do more and more advanced moves and harder exercises. It'll be a great way to chart our progress. Every class will be different, as well, the instructor promised, so we won't get bored or be tempted not to come. Pretty cool!
So last night on my way to the gym I stopped and bought hot pink and black gloves. My old ones had ripped, and these were a good price, and best of all - they matched my hot pink and black gym bag. And my hot pink and black shoes. And of course, I was wearing black yoga pants and a black and pink tank. My thought was "I might feel fat and be totally uncoordinated, but at least I'll match!!" haha. Several people gave compliments on my gear, which was nice, so at least I made an impression =P
We warmed up and began learning (or re-learning) a few basic moves, like right and left jabs and side kicks. We did this combination on our bags for so many minutes, and our little Energizer Bunny instructor had us doing two jumping jacks between every move.
Jump, jump, jab jab, right side kick.
Jump jump, jab, jab, left side kick.
Over and over and over.
And over.
Five minutes into it my arms were trembling, my hip abductors were highly upset, my toes were cramping in my shoes, I was pouring sweat....and it was GREAT! I felt like I was back! =)
Until Bunny pulled four little yoga mats out onto the floor in front of our mats and asked for volunteers. She said she wouldn't tell us what we were going to do until after we committed. Well, a really nice lady named Michelle and I had kinda bonded (that's what griping together during class does for ya. haha) so we volunteered to take the first two mats. Might as well get it over with, right? One side had to do sit-ups, the other side had to do push-ups.
For a solid two minutes.
We got the sit-ups first. I looked at Michelle, who totally got my sarcasm. "Oh goodie. Sit-ups. The strongest part of my body after having a baby!!" She cracked up. Seriously, writing this now, my abs HURT. Just remembering. haha.
We did it. Not sure how. But we did. Then we had to do the push-ups. Bunny told us she wanted at least ten real push-ups before we resorted to the "girl" pushups on our knees instead of our toes.
I burst out laughing. Right at Bunny. Straight "HAHAHAHAHAHA". Which was good because the noise covered Michelle's snorts of disbelief. Bunny apparently forgot WE were human and not robotic. But she insisted. And we pushed. And we collapsed. Then pushed again. Then cheated and went to our knees. =)
Then we got to go back to the combination drill on the bags and grin in revenge at the other people taking their turn on the mats.
Class was 45 minutes, but it felt like 45 days. I left sweating, trembling, totally disgusting, and drove home with a cramp across the base of my right toes.
And a big smile across my face. I'm baaaaaaack. =)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Just ONE post...
I really thought I could make it through this entire election process without posting a political blog...but I just can't! One post, one vent, and I'll be done - I promise! =)
So, last night, I have to admit, my first initial thought after Obama's victory was - Hmmmm. Should we move to Canada, or the Bahamas?
Let me just put it this way. I have NO beef with Obama's skin color. He could be black, Asian, Hispanic, whatever - that's not my concern. What concerns me is his beliefs and his morals/values and his past voting history. Basically, I would feel this way about any Democratic President. I am not against African Americans - (though it is frustrating for everyone to be saying this is the first "black president" when he's really only 50%, but whatever!) - but I am against anyone who is for abortion, higher taxes, homosexuality, etc. Homosexuality is an abomination in the Bible. And just because the Good Book was written a long time ago doesn't mean God has changed His mind on the concept since then.
And abortion....ohhhh don't even get me started. I guess I'm even MORE adamently against it after having my baby girl. I can't even begin to fathom someone choosing abortion, and it hurts my heart to think of all the babies who might not live if Obama and the rest of the Democratic congress members and whoever else support "woman's choice."
Which is also a bunch of PPHOOOOEYY. To put it bluntly, if you don't want a baby, then DON'T HAVE SEX. Its really not that complicated. And I'm not trying to put guilt on any Christian woman who has experienced this choice and was saved/convicted by God afterward. I'm just saying that for our country, having an appointed leader who believes in abortion absolutely breaks my heart because it means things in that area are bound to get worse. But I know he will answer to God for that as well as anyone else who sets it up to make abortions easier to obtain. Just think of all the women who have had abortions and regretted it. If that choice wasn't made so obtainable to them, millions of lives could be saved and millions of women free from guilt and burden!!!
Then there is a whole other plethora of concerns I have that I really shouldn't get into here beacuse they are hearsay and speculation and predications, nothing guaranteed. Things about border control and terrorism and........
Okay, so there is my rant. Emotions over.
I know-know-know that God is still in control. He is not up in Heaven freaking out over the election results, and therefore we as Christians shouldn't either. We might be disappointed or or mad or even a little scared, but GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.
It says in the Bible God appoints our leaders and we (unfortunately in this case for many) are still supposed to show them respect. I truly believe that if we as Christians show that respect and not go around dissing our President 24/7 or laughing/sharing nasty political or racial jokes, that God will bless us for it.
We need to now, more than ever, pray for our President. Pray for our country. Pray that God convicts Obama's heart and the hearts of our other leaders and sways them to His values. It can happen, and what a miracle and testimony to God's glory THAT would be!!
So do your part - don't just rant and rave and cry and do nothing but think we're all doomed because the results didn't go the way you wanted. =) It would be easy for many to do that. But we need to pray.
God bless America. God bless President-elect Obama.
God save us.
Monday, November 03, 2008
A new contract!!!!
The first book is RETURN TO LOVE, set for a July 2009 release date. If all goes all planned this sequel should hit the shelves at the end of 2009. How exciting!
Here's a quick blurb to get the gist of the story...

Lori Perkins gave up on romance, finally accepting her destiny of being "just friends"—until she starts receiving gifts from a secret admirer! An Italian chef, a youth pastor, and her ex-fiancé are all on the suspect list….but only one can offer this chocoholic a true taste of love.
I can't believe that (Lord willing) I'll have two books out in 2009! This is such a blessing. Thanks for sharing this with me, everyone. =)
And of course, many thanks to my Super Agent, Tamela Hancock Murray with Hartline Literary, for making this sale and encouraging me along the way. Tamela, you rock!