Monday, February 21, 2011

A month of love

Finally loading pics from last week!

So Little Miss had a super fun Valentine's Day, as you can see! It lasted about 4 days, since we celebrated in pieces on Friday, Sunday, and Monday. She got cards, candy, stickers, and lots of hugs and kisses from Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa and Mammaw and Pappaw, to name a few. She passed out Snoopy valentines at church and at her mother's day out class, even hand picking which card to give which kid.

And she chose the "be mine" valentine for the class trouble-maker! Oy! lol

Hope you and yours had a lovely "love" holiday! Little Miss got a date with my parents over the weekend while Hubby and I got a date to ourselves. Good times. On actual Valentine's Day Little Miss and I (while Dada worked) took Valentines to friends/family around town. She had a blast!!

We got all dressed up.

I can't believe February is on it's way out! But March is my birthday month so bring it ;)


Unknown said...

Betsy, you have the cutest, sweetest little family. Glad you and yours had a wonderful Valentine's Day. ;)

Georgiana Daniels said...

You all really know how to do it up! Very adorable.