Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
A silly poem, maybe, but ohhh - my poor car! It died Saturday night. It's almost humorous. Will probably be more so in about 6 months or so, though....
Peppy, my 97 black camaro, was my first car. I got it when I was 18 and the way God provided that vehicle was a complete miracle, which is why I have such strong feelings for it! Plus, it's just cool! I love driving a standard, being the first off the red light, shifting gears with the wind in my hair...
But it's okay. This was God's will and timing! Who am I to argue?
Saturday night my husband and I were driving down Bert Kouns (a very, very busy thoroughfare through our city) on the way to meet our friends for dinner when he went to downshift to a lower gear. We heard this horrible popping noise, followed by the spraying of metal shards onto the street. He immediately knew it was the clutch, just from the noise, but then tried to downshift, and couldn't get a gear. Any gear. Oops!! We coast into the turning lane about a 1/4 mile down the street and put on the emergency brake and flashers. Then, with cars whizzing by on both sides, we just look at each other. My hubby goes "Um, I think we need to pray." LOL So we did.
Then my hubby explained to me that the clutch had gone out. Even this girly-girl knew that's expensive. Uh yeah. $900 + expensive! The car is only worth maybe 2 or 3 grand anyway, so we knew it was the end of the road for Peppy. We called our friends to come rescue us, they left the restaurant and met us in the turning lane. Now we're a real side-show for the people driving by, not offering any help! Just staring like we're all insane! Well, we probably are, because we decided we needed to get the car into the gas station across the street. Not an easy task in Saturday evening traffic!
Okay, I know this book isn't officially released until April 17th, but I had to let you know about it in advance! DO NOT MISS THIS BOOK! Allison Pittman's second novel in the "Crossroads of Grace" series, entitled "Speak Through the Wind" is perhaps more of a must-read than anything I've ever recommended. I know - that's huge, right? I read a LOT. =)
I enjoyed the first book in this series, "Ten Thousand Charms" and wondered how in the world Allison would make the second novel anywhere near as good as it. Well, she did, and she even passed it up and soared to an entirely new level!
The "Crossroads of Grace" series are about - get this - prostitutes in the 1800's. Edgy topic, yes, but Allison handles it with such grace and skill that there isn't a single soul who could be offended by these heartwrenching, touching tales of finding God's forgiveness and love. Her characters are so rich and vivid, I caught myself starting to pray for them several times through the day! I grew upset about having to do such things as work, eat, sleep... I wanted to read! Not only do her characters seem as real as the girl in the next cubicle, but the setting, the senses...just brilliant. I couldn't just see the streets of New York, I was ON them. I didn't just imagine the filth and dirt and fog, I SMELLED them. It is a rare book indeed that can get me so completely involved in the story that the real world simply ceases to exist and I am lost in the pages of time.
More good news - if you missed the first book, "Ten Thousand Charms", you can still read this second one! They're related but not in a chronological way that insists you read them in order. Of course, it is never too late to buy the first book and catch up while waiting for April 17th....
On a book allowance? Start saving now. Pennies a day, a quarter a day, SOMETHING - because April 17th, you better be hunting down this treasure!
I hosted an interview with Allison several months back, which is still available in my blog archives. Check it out! =)
Tomorrow is my first book-signing party!
My sweet church, Rose Park Baptist, offered to hold the event in their fellowship hall. I'm just a LITTLE excited. It's going to be so much fun! My aunt, who owns a catering business, is making one of her delicious cakes - with purple polka dots! And my mom is baking her fantastic tea cake cookies - in angel shapes! Friends from the church are pitching in to contribute chips, dip, and a fruit tray. I am so blessed - everyone has been so encouraging and supportive of this journey of mine to publication.