Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Contest!

Hey guys!

It's Summer. And its HOT. So I'm going to host a contest while we all sit around and fan ourselves senseless. ;)

I'm giving away a free autographed copy of ADDISON BLAKELY, CONFESSIONS OF A PK on my website! Just go visit and leave a comment on my guestbook there and you'll be entered to win! I'll do the drawing in early July so don't miss it! :)

(US entries only please)

Tell a friend!


Jennie said...

What if we have family in the US who can bring it to us? :)

Linda said...

Be sure to get your name in for this book! It is WONDERFUL!

Betsy St. Amant said...

Thats fine Jennie! As long as I'm only paying to mail within US ;)