Friday, July 09, 2010

Raising those funds...

Anyone ever had success with fundraisers in the past?

I'm not talking bake sales and car washes for camp money, but a larger scale experience? My husband is trying to figure up some ways that would involve little if any upfront money on our part to raise some cash for his mother, who is still in the nursing home here in town. She's on Medicaid but still has some expenses and in our own dire financial situation, we're not able to do much, nor is his sister.

So we're trying to get creative. He's already got help with a softball fundraiser in Alexandria - a family who has already had success with a fundraiser once is putting together for us - and has started talking to folks about a fishing and a golf tournament.

I've heard sometimes too that restaurants will often, for a good cause, disaster, charity, or foundation, host a night where a percentage of ticket sales go to the cause. We're exploring options and hope to get some things going this year and next for my mother in law.

Any other ideas? :)

1 comment:

Erica Vetsch said...

Around here they have lots of benefit dinners...pancake feeds, chili feeds, etc. Charge so much per head, and all the proceeds and donations go to help the family in need.

Also motorcycle rallies, benefit charity walks, billiards tournaments, charity auctions, etc.

I'll pray that you'll find just what you need and that God will provide in such a way that you can't help but know it was Him at work.