Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The ACFW Annual Conference

If you happen to be in Dallas in mid September, and see various groups of people gathered together in a hotel, WATCH OUT. They might be writers, and if so, then they might be brainstorming together for a new plot...or whispering about a new prank to pull on their roommate or workshop teacher...or crying hysterically because they got rejected from their first-choice agent....or jumping up and down uncontrollably because an editor requested their full MS...These series of psychotic events are known as the annual American Christian Fiction Writers conference, and it's coming up!

For more info, check out the website at www.americanchristianfictionwriters.com and click on the conference link on the main page. You'll find all you need to know and more about how to sign up, how much it costs, and what you'll get for your money!

The conference is a great stepping stone for any writer, at any level. Beginners will obtain more knowledge than they can possibly hold, and can get their feet wet with editor and agent appointments. Intermediate writers can pitch their polished manuscripts to editors and agents and really make progress in their networking. Even advanced writers, those who are already published or even multi-published, will make great connections and have the opportunity to learn even more about their craft and how to make their career last long term.

The ACFW always makes sure that they have the best possible staff members, workshop leaders, teachers and speakers on their team! They'll be a bookstore in which you can catch up on all your latest novels, and then a book signing with your favorite authors where you can snag their autographs and fun freebies!

Do you want to laugh? Cry? Worship? Pray? Eat tons and TONS of chocolate? Then join us...you won't regret it.

I promise =)


Malia Spencer said...

I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun. :)

Georgiana Daniels said...

Sniff. I can't go. I'll have to live vicariously through you! Details, I'm going to want details!