Monday, August 14, 2006

A different type of tag!

Thanks for this one, Malia! I was honored you picked me to tag! =)
This is always a good thing to everyone, count your blessings!

Here are 10 of mine...

1. A friend who has blessed me: Malia. You rock, girlfriend!

2. An unexpected gift: My recent flowerbed (see the blog below!)

3. A kind word shared with me recently: My writing buddy told me she believed I would be multi-published one day. What a compliment!! =)

4. Something that makes me stop and praise God: A sunset

5. Something I'm looking forward to: The ACFW conference in September! Yay!

6. A particular part of me I'm pleased with: My eyes - big & blue like my Mama's!

7. Something in my life that I wanted but never expected: My hubby

8. A place that moved/moves me: The beach. Such power in those waves.

9. One thing/person that always makes me smile: My black lab, Samson. He's PRECIOUS.

10. Most recent "love note" from God: Realizing that no matter how my friends might treat me, He is always there. He is enough.

1 comment:

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

It's always good to count our blessings, especially when things are going wrong - then it can help us put things in focus, etc.