Friday, March 06, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Thankful

Good news - Audrey is feeling much better! Thanks for the prayers! She still has a little bit of a barky cough but her sinuses seem clear, and she's in much better spirits. Definitely on the mend!

Bad news - the pollen came out today and so now MY throat feels sore. Ugh!

Good news -I have the NOLA (North Louisiana chapter of the RWA) WRITTEN IN THE STARS writer's conference this weekend here in town, and am so excited about getting to meet new people, see a few old friends, and learn new writing techniques. Since its in town, I don't have to pay the hotel fee, and can sleep in my own bed tonight. Woohoo!

Bad news - going to the conference means losing a full Saturday with my Little Miss!

Good news - I had a Starbucks tall, nonfat white chocolate mocha with no whip today, and am feeling divine.

Bad news - Went waaaay off my diet yesterday since I was so exhausted and on the verge of allergies myself.

Good news -My revisions that were so overwhelming a few weeks ago are DONE and on their way to my editor now...THREE WEEKS EARLY!! Praise God!!!

More good news - Today is a new day! A new day to stay on my diet, a new day to praise God for a healthy child, a new day to branch out and do new things at this conference (and for me, this is a big deal because although I will know a few people there, I won't be going WITH anyone. And....this is my first secular conference. The only other ones I've attended were ACFW or ClasServices! So yes. My big girl panties are on, and I'm heading out!) and a new day to see what God has in store for me and my family and friends.

See, the GOOD outweighs the BAD every time if we just put on our thankful caps. =)

Is your thankful cap on today? What does yours look like? =)


Anonymous said...

An "attitude of gratitude" is a great way to start and end every day. Always look on the bright side of life, and be sure to count your blessings!

Erica Vetsch said...

What a great post. Made me smile to read it.

Thankful cap stuff:

Got to tour a college campus and attend an historical lecture with my girl yesterday.

Made it home in the pitch black, fog-enveloped night without incident.

Got a honey of a deal on a biography I've been wanting for awhile now.

The sun is shining, which will hopefully mean decent outdoor pictures this afternoon for an upcoming project.

Kids disgustingly healthy. :)

Georgiana Daniels said...

Oh boy, I NEED a thankful cap today. Great reminder. Glad to hear Audrey is feeling better and that you have your big girl panties on =)

Anonymous said...

i didn't know Audrey had been sick!! she seemed good when i saw her last night, wouldn't have known it. glad she is feeling better! sadly, it's inevitable they get the yuckies!

Anonymous said...

and, I forgot to say, that the phrase "big girl panties" cracked me up! go ahead girlie!

Rachel Leigh Smith said...

There is so much pollen in the air down here in Cenla that it looks we're blanketed with green smog.