I realize the majority of my posts are writing related, but sometimes, a girl just needs to vent. Here's my blog for today from my Shoutlife page...
I'm writing this blog from the deep depths of a Double-Monday. You know, the type that comes when you enjoy a fantastic long weekend? The Tuesday after a holiday becomes a Monday again, but not just any Monday - an angry, bitter Monday, resentful over being skipped and determined to make an appearance with a vengeance!
4 crisis, (crisises? crisi?) and its only 10:30 a.m. One crisis solved, thank goodness. The other, apologized for and made up. A third...still hanging in the balance. And a fourth - we'll see if God grants me the grace necessary.
Grace - what a concept. I'm still trying to grasp it. I "get it", as a saved woman, of course, but I firmly believe there is a whole other layer there that our human minds will never fully grasp. A layer that threatens to steal my heart if I even try to picture it. A layer that brings me to my knees with tear-filled eyes and a heart gasping for the breath of God.
Please pray for me today, on this Double Monday, that I receive the shot of grace I need, no - crave. God is sufficient, and in my weakness, He is made strong.
It's everyone else I'm worried about.
Double Mondays stink. Sorry to hear you're having a rough day, but God's going to give you the double shot of grace, maybe even triple because He'll always outdo what the enemy throws at you. Remember, the Bible says the enemy comes at you in one direction and flees in seven.
I'm praying for you. God's mercies are new every morning (and every hour!) and He is waiting to pour His Amazing Grace over you.
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