Welcome to my world of writing! It's an exciting place to be - a world of joy, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration, and other emotions too deep to touch. Writing is my offering, my sacrifice - and I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Crazy day
got Little Miss up this morning and to the gym with me this time, where she proceeded to FREAK OUT when I tried to leave her in the playroom with the nursery worker. I'm talking, one hand clawing my hoodie, the other wrapped around my ponytail and NOT letting go. It was quite ugly. The sweet worker finally pried her off me and I made a quick escape to the treadmill, feeling horrible. But of course, two seconds later another worker found me in the locker room and said "she's already stopped crying and is doing sign language in the mirror."
She was in there an hour and had a great time and was all smiles when I picked her up, but geez louise I thought we were past that! lol Hopefully next time goes better. She hasn't spazzed at me leaving in forever. So strange!
I was the one who had to work out and should have been crying. lol
Speaking of crying, I have a fitness assessment on Thursday. dum dummm dummmmm. At least it will give me a good "before" reference, right? :)
How's your Monday? I mean Tuesday. Because really, today, it was all the same. And I didn't even mention the cake that took 3 hours to make (courtesy of Little Miss) and the hectic run to dance class with NO NAP for a certain 3 year old (yikes) and the tons of writing I have to do tonight before crashing...
The cake has fruit in it, so it's okay right? :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
First days and other shenanigans...
Wish me luck. I'll be the one panting from an embarassingly slow pace on the treadmill.
I figure the most I'll do on the elliptical tomorrow is just glance at it from a nice, safe distance...maybe while holding a donut and a mocha. ;)
How's your Monday shaping up? Are you at the gym or holding the donut? (Hey, I'm with ya either way!) I'm actually still recovering from spending $388 at Wal-Mart last night. But hey, we're stocked up for a month or so, and I bought a bunch of stuff to cook a ton of dinners, including some new recipes like BBQ Cups and Hawaiian Pork Chops.
I won't get started on how I couldn't buy my Revlon powder/foundation compact because the only ones on the shelf were those that had been "finger tested" - yeah. Someone had opened several and taken a swipe to "test" the color. What nerve! Grrrr. So I will be looking rough at the gym! ha.
That donut is starting to sound beter and better! But I got this. Sigh. I think.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Good times and bad boys....
Check it out! http://toginet.com/podcasts/?s=
Scroll down to Thursday, January 26th's listings and look for my name. Then load!
Don't forget, just a few days left to enter my picture contest on Facebook! Just email or tag me in a pic on FB of you and the novel, and you are entered to win a super fun prize!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I did it...
Yep. I'm diving back into gym world because this one is super nice, super clean, has several locations, isn't known as an oogling beef market (like my previous gym from several years ago) and offers the following FREE of charge: group classes, whirlpool, steam room, indoor lap pool, towels, lockers, AND childcare for the toddler. And its really affordable.
I officially have no more excuses ;)
Have you joined a gym this year? Why or why not?
For me, I feel like if I have a membership I'll use it because I hate wasting money. I don't have a lot of means of exercising around the house, but if I'm making the effort to go and do this, I'll actually go and do it.
Tomorrow... ;)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
What winter?!?
So in honor of all things white and powdery (okay now I want a beignet) here's a winter quiz for your not so blustery day...
My results:
When the weather gets cold, you love to settle in and get cozy. There's nothing better than being tucked under a warm blanket. You can't help but be influenced by the world around you, and winter is your time to slow down and relax. You are genuinely nice and a joy to be around. You have a natural serenity that makes others feel calm. You are unpretentious and very real. You find it easy to connect to others just by being yourself!
What'd you get? :)
Monday, January 23, 2012
There's still time...
Just email me a picture or tag me in a pic on Facebook of you and my newest release ADDISON BLAKELY, CONFESSIONS OF A PK (either in paperback OR e-reader!) and you'll be signed up! :) This goes for those who bought the novel or who are influencing for me.
And also, take the quiz on my website if you want to see who you would date in Addison's shoes! www.betsystamant.com (click on the link called EXTRAS on the home page)
Have a lovely Monday!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Does this week ever end?
Still dealing with the being laid-off issue, the sick kid issue, the car in the shop issue, and as of Thursday evening, a rejected proposal issue. (Be encouraged, fellow writers. I've got one novel published via small press, six novels traditionally published with another releasing this Spring and STILL get rejections! You're normal ::grin::)
Little Miss is better, she quit running fever and was able to go to school Friday and seemed completely well, then this morning woke up with a bad cough and drip. Now we're rotating through the cough syrups and she's barking her head off. It's not been a fun day, though we did go see a Winnie the Pooh play that she enjoyed.
We also got bad news of a teen that passed away in our church who my husband knew somewhat through his volunteering in our youth group the other year, and it was very shocking to all. I can't name names or go into details but please lift up a prayer for the family and friends. God knows.
I do hate to complain because truly, I would very likely choose these issues over taking on someone else's problems. But I'm definitely ready for some mind-numbing recorded American Idol in a few, and maybe another Diet Coke!
The good news is, I know the car repair will be LESS THAN $1500, so ummm. Yay! And the rejected proposal actually prompted me to take it, revise it by like 95%, and rewrite an entirely new proposal including a six page synopsis in exactly 2.5 hours and turn right back over to my agent to resubmit. Wow! Yes I'm still mentally numb from that :)
On a serious note - I'm so grateful that Jesus is our rest when we're weary. Never forget that. No matter how frustrating things seem, how bad things are, how discouraged we get - His yoke is easy and His burden light. He is our strength when we are weak or when our checkbooks are in the red or our spirits sad. He is our comfort when we're hurting and our wisdom when we're confused about where to go next. We all go through rough times, some more serious than others, some seasons darker than others, but no form of heartache or suffering is new to this earth. You are NOT alone!
How is your week friend?
Thursday, January 19, 2012
One of THOSE weeks.
Monday I got a notification that I'd been laid off my part-time job in the oil and gas industry, along with about half of the rest of the company. Talk about surprise! I'd been there almost 2 years, and while I knew the job wasn't super-stable (its a hazard of the industry) I had finally stopped feeling like I could be let go any day and planned on staying a while longer. But now, my last day there is the 27th. I'm relieved in a sense, and peaceful because I feel this door is shutting for a reason, and that maybe this is my opportunity and chance to really focus on my writing for a season, however long that season lasts. I hope that comes true. I wish we had been in a little better position financially before having that paycheck taken away BUT...I believe it will work out. Pray for us! And the others in my company, who are now scrambling to look for full time jobs ASAP. :(
In the middle of all that, Little Miss got sick and threw up in the movie theater during Beauty & the Beast 3D. The past 48 hours have been low grade fevers, runny noses, and not enough sleep for anyone in the house. I actually caught myself talking to my mocha yesterday. Ha! She's moody and unpredictable, as am I from stress and trying to cheer her up, and it's not pretty around here. Who wants to come do my dishes? I'll warn you now about the lasagna pan.
Did I mention we put my car in the shop today? Yeah.
I hope your week IS better than mine, and I hope my week GETS better. ;)
Happy Thursday! I'm keeping my chin up, and my eyelids propped.... Zzzzzzz
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Shadow of Your Smile...
Another beautifully written novel by SUSAN MAY WARREN! Fans of Susie won't want to miss this sweet read. I'm partial to Susie for many reasons that don't necessarily matter here, such as her fellow penchant for cute shoes and love for hunky cowboys (aka RAFE from a previous novel of hers!) but mainly because the girl can write! If you haven't dived into a Deep Haven novel, this is one to get. And ASAP!!
**And guess what? Susan is hosting a fun Deep Haven giveaway! Enter 1/9 - 1/28.**
http://www.blogger.com/%3Ca%20href=> http://g.virbcdn.com/_f/files/resize_1024x1365/5d/FileItem-182969-tsoys_300x250.gif "height="150" width="170" />
Come back to Deep Haven and enter to win a $200 Visa Cash Card from Susan May Warren! All the details here: http://litfusegroup.com/blogtours/text/13448479.
Romantic Times Gives the latest stand-alone Deep Haven novel 4 Stars, "The amnesia storyline could have been clichéd, but Warren handles it with such grace that the reader is drawn into the tale. This is a beautifully written book."
About the book: The Shadow of Your Smile
A beautiful blanket of snow may cover the quaint town of Deep Haven each winter, but it can’t quite hide the wreckage of Noelle and Eli Hueston’s marriage.
After twenty-five years, they’re contemplating divorce . . . just as soon as their youngest son graduates from high school. But then an accident erases part of Noelle's memory. Though her other injuries are minor, she doesn’t remember Eli, their children, or the tragedy that has ripped their family apart. What’s more, Noelle is shocked that her life has turned out nothing like she dreamed it would. As she tries to regain her memory and slowly steps into her role as a wife and mother, Eli helps her readjust to daily life with sometimes-hilarious, sometimes-heartwarming results. But can she fall in love again with a man she can’t remember?
Will their secrets destroy them . . . or has erasing the past given them a chance for a future?
Read the story behind the story here: http://www.susanmaywarren.com/books/the-shadow-of-your-smile.
About Susan:

Susan May Warren is an award-winning, best-selling author of over twenty-five novels, many of which have won the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, the ACFW Book of the Year award, the Rita Award, and have been Christy finalists. After serving as a missionary for eight years in Russia, Susan returned home to a small town on Minnesota’s beautiful Lake Superior shore where she, her four children, and her husband are active in their local church.
Susan's larger than life characters and layered plots have won her acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. A seasoned women’s events and retreats speaker, she’s a popular writing teacher at conferences around the nation and the author of the beginning writer’s workbook: From the Inside-Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you!. She is also the founder ofwww.MyBookTherapy.com, a story-crafting service that helps authors discover their voice.
Susan makes her home in northern Minnesota, where she is busy cheering on her two sons in football, and her daughter in local theater productions (and desperately missing her college-age son!)
A full listing of her titles, reviews and awards can be found at:www.susanmaywarren.com.
Link to buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1414334834/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=sprightly-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1414334834
Sometimes love requires a little forgetting ... Come back to Deep Haven and find out what's been happening in your favorite quaint hamlet. If you're new to the Deep Haven series - this is the perfect book to start with - each book in the series is a stand alone story.
Susan is celebrating the release of The Shadow of Your Smile by giving away a prize pack worth over $200 from 1/9-1/28.
One grand prize winner will receive:
A $200 Visa Gift Card (Use that to rekindle a little romance, treat yourself to a spa day, snap up those shoes you’ve been eyeing, or purchase a few great books!)
The entire set of Deep Haven Books (!!!!)
The winner will be announced on 1/30/12 on Susan’s blog, Scribbles! Just click one of the icons below to enter and tell your friends about Susan's giveaway on FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.
Blog tour schedule: http://litfusegroup.com/blogtours/text/13448479) See what others are saying about Susie and her newest release!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Don't forget...
This applies to influencers or just regular readers! And yes a Kindle or Nook download counts!! :)
Just post the pic or email it to me and you'll be entered to win a super cool prize (that I can't yet reveal) at the end of January!!! Don't miss your chance to sign up!
And tell Addison hello for me ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
A simple truth...
Just saying.
(mumbling, really, around my fork)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Handling interruptions...or do you?
My 3 1/2 year old is usually fabulous about letting me balance play time with her with housework and working on my 4 (yes, 4) part time jobs.
Lately though, she's been super attention-needy, and wanting me to play with her literally 24/7. I end bouncing back and forth between giving in and regretting my work piling up and overwhelming me and therefore putting me in a bad mood, or resisting her and then feeling guilty or like a bad mommy as she whines/complains/walks-off-talking-to-herself-about-being-lonely.
I'm hoping this is just a stage, but right now there's really nothing I can cut back on or change in my schedule. I have the jobs I have because we need the money. And I enjoy them! I also don't want to miss this time I have with her, I know these young years fly by so quickly. I realize that she needs to learn to play alone and self entertain, and she truly does a LOT. Or has been, anyway. And that that is good for her and I'm not actually a bad mom for not letting everything go to pot to play Barbies or school or ponies or Scooby Doo games. But still. I KNOW that. Hard to feel it.
Moms, how do YOU handle it? Maybe I need fresh ideas! I had thought Christmas and a flood of new toys would help but I think it made it worse because now she wants to play all the new stuff WITH me. lol
Either way, I need to learn to be more patient with interruptions. It's really hard for me to be yanked out of my concentrating zone so repeatedly for what is often not a legitimate reason on her part but more likely a ploy for attention. The majority of my jobs from home require writing or editing or reading, and it makes it hard to be so back and forth in concentration. But that's no excuse for getting snappy or impatient or frustrated. I want to be a good model.
The tricky part is she is social and does several things (pre-school 3 days a week, dance class once a week and AWANAS at church) on her own, but I can't take advantage of that time she's away because I either have to take her to said class or church event and wait on campus for her, or if she's at school I'm usually working at my away-from-home part time job.
Sorry this blog is such a mess! Sort of thinking while I type. Thanks for allowing my vent! I know I will these days one day when she's grown and doesn't want my attention at all, and that my family is truly my first priority, but I still have to function in the meantime. She won't be a teenager for awhile ;)
Any suggestions, mommies?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Catching up...
Hope you win! :) And don't forget to go by my website if you haven't yet, and take the quiz about who would YOU date in Addison's shoes! www.betsystamant.com (extras page)
Here's the link to listen to my radio interview at Tricia Goyer's "Living Inspired" show.
I'll also be appearing on Nicole O'dell's Teen Talk radio show Thursday night the 24th! :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Great read by Erica Vetsch
So this novel of Erica's released in September 2011 but it's fabulous! I had to post a quick review and encourage you guys to check it out!! How awesome is the cover, BTW?
Info from Amazon:
Quench your craving for good fiction with this wonderfully written Old West adventure. Hoping to leave the shadows of her shady yesteryears behind, Adeline Reid is focusing on her photography career. But when her ex-boyfriend’s compatriot in crime shows up in Dodge City her entire past is threatened by exposure. Can Addie keep her secrets while helping to catch a killer? Deputy Miles Carr’s investigation into a shopkeeper’s murder leads him to Addie’s door. Will his attraction to this female photographer keep him from catching the true culprit? Or will Addie lead him off course in more ways than one?
Book Description:
Deputy Miles Carr has his hands full trying to keep the peace in Dodge City and find a local shopkeeper’s killer. When his inquiries lead him to the door of Addie Reid’s photography studio, he finds himself more than a little distracted. Does this beauty hold the clue to the killer’s identity?
Erica's bio:
One day a few years ago, I turned to my husband and said, "I don't know if you know this, but I spend an awful lot of time in my own head." He patted my hand and gave me his this-is-not-news expression. I had just verbalized something my parents, teachers, friends, children, and spouse had known about me for years.Though I have set aside my career teaching history to high school students in order to homeschool my own kids, my love of history hasn't faded. My favorite books are historical novels and history books, and one of my greatest thrills is stumbling across some obscure historical factoid that makes my imagination leap. I'm continually amazed at how God allows me to use my passion for history, romance, and daydreaming to craft historical romances to entertain readers and glorify Him.Whenever I'm not following flights of fancy in my fictional world, I'm company bookkeeper for our family lumber business, mother of two teriffic teens, wife to a man who is my total opposite and yet my soul-mate, and avid museum patron.
Get your copy here!!
This is truly a fun read, with a lot of yummy romance and hunky deputies ;) The heroine and her best friend are strong, spunky wild-west women who know what they want and look good while getting it, but realize their weaknesses and their need for Christ at the same time. Such a well balanced read. If you like historicals at ALL, don't miss this one - and hey, if you don't like historicals, try this one, because I bet you will ;)
Monday, January 09, 2012
What a party!
We made TEAM WES shirts, mine was given to me well over a year ago by my bestie LORI, who believed in Addison's story so much she made the shirt for me before the book was even contracted :) Such faith!! So of course my mom and Little Miss had to have their own for the big booksigning!
Amazing cake!! My aunt is a genius with icing. Unreal! She's had a bakery for my entire life. Never fails to surprise me!!
My yummy view for a good few minutes ;)
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Live radio interview! Eeek!
We discussed my upcoming YA release, ADDISON BLAKELY, CONFESSIONS OF A PK and some life lessons God has been teaching me along the way :)
Here's the website! I'm not sure when the feed will be able to be heard, but check back soon and see. When I find out I'll let you know!
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Julie Klassen rocks my socks...
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Maid of Fairbourne Hall
Bethany House (January 1, 2012)
Julie Klassen
Julie worked in publishing for sixteen years (first in advertising, then as a fiction editor) and now writes full time. Two of her books, The Girl in the Gatehouse and The Silent Governess won the Christy Award for Historical Romance. The Girl in the Gatehouse also won a Midwest Book Award and The Silent Governess was a finalist in Romance Writers of America's RITA awards.She graduated from the University of Illinois and enjoys travel, research, BBC period dramas, long hikes, short naps, and coffee with friends. Julie and her husband have two sons and live near St. Paul, Minnesota.

Pampered Margaret Macy flees London in disguise to escape pressure to marry a dishonorable man. With no money and nowhere else to go, she takes a position as a housemaid in the home of Nathaniel Upchurch, a suitor she once rejected in hopes of winning his dashing brother. Praying no one will recognize her, Margaret fumbles through the first real work of her life. If she can last until her next birthday, she will gain an inheritance from a spinster aunt--and sweet independence. But can she remain hidden as a servant even when prying eyes visit Fairbourne Hall? Observing both brothers as an "invisible" servant, Margaret learns she may have misjudged Nathaniel. Is it too late to rekindle his admiration? And when one of the family is nearly killed, Margaret alone discovers who was responsible. Should she come forward, even at the risk of her reputation and perhaps her life? And can she avoid an obvious trap meant to force her from hiding?On her journey from wellborn lady to servant to uncertain future, Margaret must learn to look past appearances and find the true meaning of "serve one another in love."
Monday, January 02, 2012
A Birthday and a few Big Events!!
So ADDISON BLAKELY, CONFESSIONS OF A PK officially released yesterday on New Year's Day, and is available now at bookstores near you, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Nook - the works! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDISON!!!! :)
I hope you'll take a chance on my girl Addison and love her as much as I do :)
Sixteen-year-old Addison Blakely has tireless played the role of PK—preacher’s kid—her entire life. But after Wes Keegan revs his motorcycle into town and into her heart, Addison begins to wonder how much of her faith is her own and how much has been handed to her. She isn’t so sure she wants to be the good girl anymore. Join Addison Blakely as she attempts to separate love from lust, facts from faith, and keep her head above water in her murky, fishbowl existence.
Here's the link to purchase at CBD! HERE (it's a tad cheaper there than at Amazon ::wink::)
And guess what? I made a quiz for readers! Find out who YOU'D date in Addison's shoes :)
**Local friends - I'm doing a booksigning at Barnes & Noble on Friday, January 6th at 6:30! It'll be a big time of fun, food (there will be CAKE) and all things Addison! I'll also have a fantastic giveaway basket that night. Come join us!!**
Friends far and wide - if you received an influencer copy of ADDISON or purchase it and take a picture, send it to me or post on FB and tag me, and I'll add it on my website in an album....AND you'll be entered to win a super cool prize at the end of the month!!! :) Woot woot!!
Editorial Reviews:
"Addison Blakely’s journey to figure out who God made her to be amidst the tangle of high school, boys, friends, family issues, and the school talent show, represents what we all go through – a search for the person God created us to be. Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK exposes the stereotypes others place on us, as well as the labels we place on ourselves in a fun-loving high school tale full of romance, drama, and gummi bears."
-Laura L. Smith, author of Skinny
"Betsy St. Amant brings us a delightfully new voice in Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK. Through witty dialogue and thoughtful teen introspection, Betsy has created a story teens will enjoy. . .and parents will be glad their teens have read."-Dandi Daley Mackall, bestselling author
"I just loved this novel! I wanted to know how Addison would end up and what choices she would make (and why) so I kept reading. Addison was an engaging character whom I couldn’t help liking. I did enjoy the writing, though, and would recommend this book to older YA readers who enjoy the Christian genre. Addison has a lot of choices to face in her life and in her relationships, as do teens today, and this book showed how she could use her faith to help guide her in those decisions." - Reader